Hello Cutie

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Tara p.o.v

After a long and painful lap around the school Ace and Jayden seemed more comfortable with their new school. In fact they seemed quite impressed.

With one final goodbye and smile I let them go and find their class since my class was in the complete opposite direction.

It's always nice to know the new student first, you really get a feel as to who they are, so far I'm impressed.

Ace, the guy who wouldn't stop talking is attractive. scratch that, he's REALLY attractive. His black hair perfectly an inch and half long, strong jaw and straight nose, not to mention his lower plump lip and slimmer top lip and his bright blue eyes! my gosh he was hot! If his face looks that great then it's not that difficult to think of how the rest of his body would look..

Aside from his looks, he seems like a decent person, not a complete 'bad boy' but he does have an attitude and many snarky comments, he's also funny and holds a good conversation.

Jayden though, he's more quiet, more reserved. I guess he lets Ace do all the talking, either that, or he actually can't get a word in.

He looks similar to Ace only he has light brown hair, a crooked nose, like it was broken once or twice before, he has green eyes, thinner lips and snake bites. now Jayden seems more 'bad boy' material. I noticed that he's also buffer than Ace.

All in all they seem like great guys! people who could easily become friends with. Maybe I should ask them to sit with Lara, our friends, and myself at lunch.

Lara p.o.v

Well I found mark, and I told him how I feel. I was so nervous, it took me over an hour to find him, and when I did he was sitting by himself like usual.

I heard a few girls whispering about two new guys who arrived today, apparently they are 'gods who below in the sky because they are too perfect to walk the earth'

I pfffft at the thought of their hushed words.

Mark seemed surprised when I sat next to him, his cheeks immediately flare up. I give a silent 'awwww'

"U-uh hey La-ara" mark stutters as his eyes widen in shock.

"Hey! so I have something to tell you" I smile and place my hand on his arm.

"Yeah? what's that?" "we'll I've been thinking lately and I've come to the conclusion that I really like you, like, like you like you" I admit with my own cheeks heating up.

"Oh, um, thanks? But I'm sorry, I don't like you in that way. I mean, sure I think that you are really attractive and all! but I'm just not into you... like that" he replies with a bit of amusement shining through his eyes.

I managed to choke out "Oh, okay, yeah, that's okay. I just thought I'd let you know"

I get up from where I'm sitting and run as fast as I can to my locker.

"Hello cutie" someone whispered in my ear from behind me.

Who the hell is that?

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