5: I need answers

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Summer, July 1979, Monday 12:32pm

After accomplishing your 4 hour walk back to your home from the late night fiasco at Camp Crystal Lake, you obviously were exhausted and needed at least 7 hours of sleep. And you got that, but your sleep was not exactly peaceful; it was filled with nightmare after nightmare of Jason Voorhees looming over you, tempted to end your life with his enormous machete.

You sat at the drop leaf table in the kitchen with a glass of cold water rather than a coffee; you didn't feel like having such a strong drink today. You sat pondering how to return to the camp and get your car back, do you call a mechanic...should you go back and do it yourself? If so, where the hell and how the hell are you going to get 4 tires to the camp by yourself? An idea then came to your mind; you were going to call your close friend, Rex. Rex was one of those friends you never lose contact with, especially since you'd known Rex since kindergarten. Apart from being a great sport and wisecracking practical joker, Rex was kind of a Jack-of-all-trades; meaning it seemed like he could handle any situation easily and effortlessly. That and the fact he had a pickup truck!.

You placed your glass of water down and walked over to your telephone, you picked it up and began to dial Rex's number. It took him 11 seconds to pick up.
"Yyyyeeelo?" Rex said in his usual comedic manner. You smiled to yourself.
"Hey Rex, its (Y/N)." You said smiling, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Hey (Y/N), what's up? Everything alright?" He asked randomly.
"Yeah yeah, everything's fine, it's just..." you couldn't finish.
"What is it...?" Rex asked suspiciously.
"Well, you remember that summer camp we went to back in the 50's when we're kids? Well, I went back up there last night and-" you were cut off by Rex suddenly.
"Holy crap! You went back up there?! Are you nuts? After what happened there the other day?....so what'd ya do?" He asked, sounding serious then childish.
"Well, someone tampered with my tires and I had no choice but to leave my car there and walk home. And, I was wondering...if-"
"You were wondering if I'd drive you up there and help you fix your car...right?" He asked cutting you of mid sentence.
"Yeeeeeaaaahh, I promise I'll pay you back, Rex, its just-"
"Don't worry, I got ya, be at my place at 1:00 and I'll drive you up there." Rex said, yet again cutting you off.
"Aw, thanks Rex, your a real pal."

Summer, July 1979, 3:45pm

As planned, you drove up to Camp Crystal Lake with Rex in his pickup truck, relieved that you could finally get your car back to normal. Rex found the long, narrow lane full of overgrowth and travelled through it to reach the lake.
"Woah...who forgot the fertiliser? Am I right." He joked nudging your side with his elbow slightly. You laughed slightly, overwhelmed by the green mass surrounding you. You finally reached the cabin and automatically felt relief as you saw that your car was completely the same; no one had damaged it in any way more since last night. You followed Rex as he jumped out of the pickup and walked over to your car with his hands on his hips.

"Who d'ya think did it?" He asked randomly.
"I don't know...I just came back from inside the cabin and all my tires were slashed." You shrugged staring at the ground. Then you remembered Jason. What if he did it? Did he really want to hurt you? There was a brief moment of silence before Rex clapped twice.
"Well, these tires ain't gonna fix 'emselves!" He bellowed positively as he walked over to his pickup to gather some tools. You assisted him and rolled 2 tires over to the car ready to be replaced.

Summer, July 1979, 5:01pm

You and Rex sat on the back of his pickup, gazing at the glistening water of Crystal Lake.
"Hey, you remember when I challenged Ernie at skipping stones over there? He threw it so far it nearly knocked out that old guy fishing over there." Rex laughed pointing a little ways over to the left of the now rotting and tattered boating dock. You laughed in response.
"Oh yeah, I couldn't stop laughing that day, the look on Ernie's face when-" you stopped dead in your tracks as you looked to the left and saw that same old hockey mask peering over at you from the trees.

You gulped and shifted uncomfortably, consciously shuffling closer to Rex, fidgeting constantly. He caught onto it.
"What's the matter with you? You got crabs or something?" He joked.
"Knock it off!" You laughed, smacking him in the back of the head playfully. Rex laughed uncontrollably and smacked his knee. You shot a glance over your shoulder at Jason to see him signalling you to go into the cabin.
"Hey, uh Rex. Why don't you go on home to my place? I'll settle up here." You said seriously, Rex knew when to shut up and listen, so he complied and started up the engine to his truck as you hopped out and pretended to start you own car. You waited until Rex's truck was out of sight, when it was out of sight you got out of your car and bolted towards the cabin.

You stood inside the cabin and waited until you heard the pounding footsteps approaching the porch and climbing the stairs. You turned to see Jason standing over you, you heard his deep breathing and you shuddered slightly. You took a step back and cleared your throat uncomfortably.
"Uh- J-Jason, I need answers...last night, you mentioned a 'Curse'. What do you mean?" You asked, sounding surprisingly confident and fearless. Jason sighed and noticed that you'd left the map behind still by the mahogany wardrobe. He walked past you and picked up the map and shattered pen. He turned you around and used your back to lean against so he could write. After about 14 seconds he turned you around and revealed the words to you.
So that's why Jason never left the camp. He was doomed to wander this place and haunt intruders, ever since he was drowned.
"Why don't you just leave, Jason?" You asked moving a little closer to him, looking him in the eyes. He signalled you to turn around again and you complied. He wrote some more.

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