Naruto's p.o.v:
We arrived at his apartment after a few minutes of walking. Gaara went up and unlocked the door, then he stepped aside and motioned his hand for me to enter. I was a little taken aback by that action so before I knew it I started blushing. Unfortunately, Gaara saw that and chuckled a little while blushing lightly himself. As I entered his apartment I was greeted by a beautifully arranged Livingroom. Somehow everything in that room was matching perfectly, creating a comfortable, neat atmosphere.
<<Wow! Your apartment is frikkin' beautiful!>> I said without much thought to it. I was so overwhelmed! Who would've thought that Gaara would be able to arrange an apartment like this? It almost looks as if it's made by professionals! <<Uhm.. t-thanks!>> I turned my head around to look at him. <<I-It actually took some time to make it look like this...>> As he said that, I realized that the blush from before hasn't left his face. Instead, it seems like it's even gotten darker. Was he uncomfortable being complimented? Or did he actually like it? He seriously is a riddle.
He noticed me staring at him and I immediately looked away, a blush forming on my cheeks. <<So... are you tired? I guess you have to be because of your long journey here, right?>> As he said that I looked at him again, hoping that my blush has faded by now. <<Yeah, I actually could use some sleep if I'm honest..>> I suddenly realized that I was really tired and exhausted even though we stopped to sleep once on our way here. <<Alright, I guess you can sleep in my bed if you want. Of course you can use the couch too but that's not as comfortable and I haven't gotten a mattress for you yet.>> <<Your bed's perfectly fine for me. As long as you let me sleep somewhere I'll be happy.>> I laughed a little at the end causing him to chuckle a bit with me. <<Okay then. My bedroom's this way.>> He went in one of the rooms of his apartment and gestured me to follow him.
His bedroom was just as perfect than his Livingroom causing me to feel comfortable immediately. <<Just sleep as long as you want. I guess I'll stay somewhere near in the meantime.>> With this words he left the room, leaving me alone in his bedroom. I was so tired that I immediately lay down as soon as I was wearing my pj's. I sleepily snuggled myself in his pillow and smelled Gaara's scent. I don't know why but somehow it was relaxing my body, causing me to fall asleep a few seconds later.

Soulmates - [ GaaNaru / Gaara x Naruto ]
FanfictionThis is a BL fanfic! Naruto x Gaara <3 Naruto goes on a mission with Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon. There he meets Gaara, the sand ninja of Sunagakure. He still knows him from the genin exam but since then both of them grew older and eventually they s...