Oh god, where am I?

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"Oh god, are you okay, miss" the green haired stranger inquires.

Before you can even think of a reply a large Scolipede emerges from the bushes. It stares at the two of you and lets out a piercing screech. It charges toward you. You try to stand, but the gash in your knee makes it hard task to complete. 'Oh god I'm done for!' Your mind scream as the Scolipede barrels toward you.

"Pansage use bulletseed!", the green haired boy yells.

A barrage of seeds fly past you and slam into the Scolipede. It lets out another screech. Before turning back to the forest and runs off. You stare dumbfounded. In your shock, you stumble backwards and trip on the same root that tripped you earlier. 'Curse my luck'.

As your body hit the ground you hear in the distance a concerned voice exclaim, "oh no miss". Your vision goes black as your body slams to the ground.


Slowly you blink open your eyes. Still fuzzy from the fall, you start to see where you are. You don't recognize the room your in. 'Wait! ROOM! Since when did I leave the forest'

"Oh god, where am I" you say in a louder voice than you thought.

The door clickes open.


Here you go the next chapter. Sorry for the wait! Please let me know of any spelling mistakes. Thanks for the support!!

-violetsky out

A chance encounter (Cilan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now