chapter 9

46 4 4

yo guys im back dont worry i havent died yet.




Ceil gives him the address

G: that's only an hour and a half away we will be right there don't do anything just stay with her.

Hangs up.

Gray: juiva storm let's go.

Ezra and nasty and lucy: were going to.

Gray: then let's go.

Everyone in group: ya



Grays pov:

im happy but upset at the same time im angery. we are on the train right now animd i dont know what to do.

(his thoughts just keep going on and on he didnt even relise his phone was rinnging untill it  vierated.

Gray: hello

everyone looks at gray caue they were in deep thought to

???: (deep voice) hi this is the guild red this a gray fullbuster...

Gray: it might be but arent you a d-

???: dark guild? thats what you were going to say and yes thats who i am. lets just say i have people in london retriving you child and lets just say she hold great power. now befor you say anything... i will not hesitate to hut he- oh wait my men just retrieved her. (talking to some one eles) hey you didnt kill her did you.

???: no bos not that i know of.

Gray: *Glaring at phone*

(everyone is now looking at gray supprised)

Gray: *threatning voice* if so dare to lay one finger on her head i will not hesitste to kill you.

(everyone is glareing Now)

???: come find us.....*hangs phone up*

9out side of call*

Gray: that bitch

*befor they got on the train*

yuki pov:

magic is getting thrown at my sheild.... i dont know what to do

oh no the sheild/wall broke what do i do?

??? pov:

man that shield was tough. now to grab her....

???:  Demon Dragon....ROAR!!!!

Yuki pov:

i just got hi with a dragon roar..........things are starting to go black

Third pov:

yuki managed to grab ceils phon and hide it in her pants before she passed out. she got hit in the stomach with the dragon roar and hit her head on the ground. she most likely has a small concusion and some broken ribs. but she is a tough girl and wont let that stop her. 

???: dude i think you took it to far

???: naw shes fairy tail. shesfine.

???: whtever...


yo sorry for the short chapter. dont worry tho i will be fine. im just bussy with school. see ay next time

-gothicchan out

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