Chapter 2: Baby Not

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The sun was down and the children were in bed. Sully was by the fire working on some plans for Mr. Lodge's house. Michaela just finished in the kitchen and paused to watch him work. Ever since lunch with Cloud Dancing and Snowbird, she couldn't stop thinking about a little Sully walking around one day.

She walked over behind him and put her arms around him. "Are you coming to bed?"

He smiled. "In a bit. Why don't you head on up."

"I'm not sleeping." She whispered in his ear.

Sully let out a big sigh and smirked. "Oh really?" He teased.

"Mhm." She nodded her head and he stood up.

"Wait- What if the kids wake up?"

"We'll be quick." She started unbuttoning her night gown and Sully ripped off his shirt.

Sully never thought he could love someone so much again after Abagail, but Michaela was something else. She constantly took his breath away and amazed him everyday.

Michaela moaned when he kissed her neck. "Michaela?" He asked almost out of breath.


"I want a baby."

She paused for a moment, looking at him. Sully's heart dropped, he prayed she would say yes.

"I want a baby too."

Sully's face lit up and she giggled as he picked her up. They tried their best to keep quiet as he took her upstairs. The children didn't wake and Sully and Michaela finally got some time to theirselves for once.
In the morning, Michaela was just as tired as she was yesterday. Sully rolled over to look at her.

"Good mornin'." The smile from last night was still on his face. "The kids aren't up yet."

"Mmm, neither am I." Michaela closed her eyes again.

Sully climbed out of bed and started making breakfast. Usually he would have the children up since it was Sunday. He figured no one was going to church this Sunday morning with all the rain and flooding from last night. Michaela finally made her way downstairs.

"I hope you're hungry. I figured since a-," before Sully could finish his sentence, a stranger made his way through the door. Sully instinctively put himself in front of Michaela to protect her in case of a threat. Michaela jumped at the sound of the door whipping open.

It was Cloud Dancing, he was sweaty and out of breath. "Michaela! Sully! I am sorry to intrude on you this way, but it is Snowbird."

Michaela grabbed her bag. Sully exchanged looks with Michaela. As bad as he wanted to go, knew he needed to stay with Colleen and Brian.

At the reservation Cloud Dancing led Michaela to Snowbird. She was laying down, drenched in sweat and breathing heavy.

"Dr. Mike, my baby. Please."

Michaela knew what was happening now. She reached for Snowbird's hand.

"You're going to be alright."

Snowbird groaned in pain and nodded trusting in Michaela.

Michaela turned to Cloud Dancing. "How long has she been like this?"

"I am not sure. Maybe an hour or so. Do you know what is wrong?"

"I am afraid Snowbird is- she's having a miscarriage."

Snowbird cried out for Michaela.

"Cloud Dancing, bring me some water. Quickly." Michaela added.

He nodded and took off.

"Michaela I-,"

Michaela cut her off. "Shh I know, it's okay."

Snowbird's eyes flooded with tears as another wave of pain hit her. "MMMM ahhh!"

Cloud Dancing returned with the water.

"Thank you." Michaela spared no time and quickly went to work.

Cloud Dancing waited patiently outside not wanting to get in the way.
Sully arrived shortly after. Snowbird's cries of pain could be heard from where they were standing.

Sully slowly approached Cloud Dancing and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Snowbird? Is she?"

At first he did not respond. "Michaela says she is having a miscarriage."

Sully's face dropped. Before he could respond, Michaela called out to Cloud Dancing. He and Sully both ran over to help.

"She is losing a lot of blood. Do you have any bella donna?"

"Yes, yes I-,"

"Bring some, hurry."

Snowbird was beginning to lose conciseness.

"Sully." He didn't seem to hear her.

He looked up.

"Can you hand me the red bottle from my bag?"

He did as she asked.

"Watch her breathing Sully."

Cloud Dancing returned. "Here, this is all I could find."

"That will do. Thank you."

Michaela continued to work on Snowbird. The bleeding slowly lessened until it finally stopped. After about 30 minutes, Snowbird's condition seemed to stabilize.

Michaela stepped outside to update Cloud Dancing. "She's stable. She will be alright."

"And the baby?" Cloud Dancing asked anxiously.

Michaela looked at Sully then back at Cloud Dancing.

"I.. the baby-," she tried her best to gather her words. "She lost the baby. I'm so sorry Cloud Dancing."

Cloud Dancing did not speak and went to be with Snowbird. Sully could see tears in Michaela's eyes start to form. He walked towards her and held her as she broke down.

"Oh Sully, I-," she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Ya did the best ya could 'Chaela."

"Why would this happen? Snowbird is healthy and strong. She was doing fine. I don't understand."

"Shhhh," he tried his best to comfort her and to be honest, he needed some comfort too.

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