Chapter 14: Halfway Point

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"Ma I'm tired of laying around in bed all day. I wanna go outside, go to school."

Brian's ankle was still healing from the previous week hanging out with Jessie.

"You want to go to school?" Michaela raised her eyebrows. Brian was not one to enjoy school, he'd much rather be fishing or exploring.

"My foot's much better now Ma, I promise. See, I don't even need my crutch now." Brian stood up out of bed to demonstrate, still a little wobbly in his balance. "An-and if it gets real bad at school I can always come to the clinic."

Michaela let out a deep sigh contemplating on whether or not he was well enough to go.

"Please Ma!"

"Fine. You can go, but Brian be careful not to over exert yourself. Sully and I have an appointment with Andrew this afternoon so if you need anything have Colle-,"

"Thanks Ma!" Brian kissed her on the cheek, and hopped his way downstairs almost colliding with Sully on the way.

"Whoa slow down Brian, wha-"

"Can't talk now Pa, gotta eat breakfast so I can get to school."

Sully stood in the door frame of Brian's room looking at Michaela in confusion.

"I don't think I've ever seen that boy excited to go to school."

Michaela giggled.

Sully moved into the room and sat next to his wife.

"How ya feeling?" he asked as he slightly massaged her lower back.

Michaela let out a weary sigh and chuckled, "Fat."

"Ya ain't fat, you're almost five months pregnant." Sully drew her face closer to his and gently kissed her forehead. "And that's good."

Michaela smiled, pushed some of his curls out of his face, and placed her hand on his cheek. "I love you."

Sully's sky blue eyes told her he loved her too.

He stood up and held his hands out for Michaela to take. "Well, c'mon let's get ya to Andrew and check on her."

"Her?" Michaela asked as Sully pulled her up. "You think it's a girl?"

"I don't know what it is and I don't care as long as you are both healthy."

He smiled while brushing some hair out of her face with his fingers and tucked it behind her ear.

Michaela sighed and look at the floor. She knew how much this meant to him, but she couldn't promise anything to him and that terrified her. She was relatively older than most women and pregnancy was more high risk the older she got. Not wanting to crush his optimism, she smiled back at him. "Me too."
"Everything is looking good Michaela," Andrew said. "Do you have any concerns or questions at this time?"

Michaela looked at Sully before she spoke up. He must have had the same idea because he was looking at her too.

She didn't have any concerns but knew Sully did. He had a lot of concerns but knew he wouldn't voice all of them, so she asked for him...hesitantly.

"Andrew, do you think with my age..."

Andrew cut her off before she even finished the question. "I don't want you to worry about that. I'll monitor your pregnancy closely and if for any reason there is an issue later on we will discuss options and treatment, but until then enjoy this time." He gave a reassuring smile.

"Trust me Michaela, I know how hard it can be as a doctor when you're the patient. Your mind thinks of everything that could go wrong because as physicians we know the risks. Don't go diagnosing yourself." Andrew gave a little laugh to lighten to conversation.

Sully squeezed Michaela's hand letting her know he was satisfied with Andrew's answer. In all honesty Michaela thought all the appointments were unnecessary and mainly came to ease Sully's anxiety.
"I'll see you at home?" Sully asked kissing Michaela's forehead.

"Yes just going to check on Emma and update a few patient charts."

"Don't work too hard now," Sully teased giving her a smile as she walked toward the clinic.

The sky thundered redirecting Sully's attention upward.

"Looks like we're getting some rain," a familiar voice redirected Sully's attention once again. It was Dorothy.

"Good Afternoon Dorothy," Sully greeted.

"How's Michaela?"

"Good. Good. Just finished seeing Andrew. He said everything looks fine. Halfway there." Sully must have worn his worry on his face because Dorothy saw right through him. Reading people well was one of her strengths.

"And you?" She inquired, hoping he would say what he really meant.

He procrastinated his answer. He knew she would know if he was lying and thought it best to not say anything.

"You're worried aren't you. About the baby. About Michaela. I can see it in your face."

Thunder cracked again and it started sprinkling.

"Oh goodness, I better head inside. I'll talk to you later Sully." Dorothy said as she headed inside the store.

Thank you rain, Sully thought.
"Colleen can you help close up the windows and get the animals in the barn. I'd ask Brian but-"

"But his ankle is still healing, of course Pa."

"Thanks. Quickly too, please, storm's gonna pick up soon."

Brian looked up from his homework at the table. "I wanna help too Pa."

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea Brian."

"Please Pa," Brian begged.

"If you wanna help why don't you start by telling me where your Ma is."

Usually Michaela was home around this time and with the storm coming, Sully didn't want Michaela stuck outside in this.

"I hope she didn't stay late at the clinic. You know how Ma is, always working hard," Colleen said.

"You two stay here and finish securing the house and barn. I'm gonna go look for your Ma."

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