coming soon ~ my story

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hi guys!

I'll update this page with details on my story :) meanwhile, you can read the short piece I wrote <3

update 4/9/18:

Title: unknown 

Plot: unknown

Characters: unknown


So, here's my idea for this story. I'm not going to plan any of it, because I find that when I properly plot out stories, I'm unable to finish them because I lose interest. I think I work best when I let the story tell itself to me, then through me, it tells itself to you. There will probably be lots and lots of plot twists and turns in this story, and it'll surprise me just as much as it will surprise you :D 

About updating the story; I'm still in school and my exams are coming up and whatnot so my updating will probably not be regular :/ Sorry about that! But I will try to write as often as I can. 

About character requests/cameos; I probably won't base any characters off of people I know, just because that always pressures me to turn the story in a fixed direction, when for this one I want it to be super flexible. However, I may or may not cameo some of you ;) 

About basic details; it's probably going to be a Grayson fanfic :P But Ethan is definitely going to be in it and a very main character. Since I don't know what the story is about yet I can't say for sure, but I'm probably going to be writing from the twins' perspectives. So it might even be a joint fanfic of both finding their tRu lUv (oOh) 

~ maelynn

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