fly on the wall

27 2 8

"Look, I just don't think that's a good idea, Gray. There are literally so many ways that could go wrong and -" 

"Dude, I know. But just think, if it worked out, it would be epic."

Ethan shook his head despairingly, rolling his eyes as Grayson droned on and on about his supposedly epic idea for revealing their new tour, 4OU2 2018, to their fans. Grayson eventually paused for breath, and Ethan became aware of a different irritating sound. 

"Bro - do you hear that?" 

"What?" Grayson interrupted his monologue on tour merch to ask.

"That -" Ethan waved vaguely around the room, trying to pinpoint the source of the aggravating buzzing noise. Something zipped by, and landed on the wall just behind Grayson's head. 

"Ugh, it's a fly." Ethan got up to swat it, grabbing a magazine as he moved. Just as he was about to violently crush the insignificant soul out of the insect, Grayson caught his arm. 

"Dude, leave it alone. It didn't do anything to you, and anyway discussing tour is more important right now." 

"What, is it your friend or something?" Ethan scoffed, trying to swat the fly a second time. It flew away, and to Grayson's surprise, landed on his hand. 

"Yeah it's my friend. Ethan, meet - uh - Kasey." Grayson smiled down at his hand, watching the tiny creature move around.

"Grayson what the hell, did you actually just name a fly?" Ethan stared and shook his head in disbelief. Grayson was beyond his comprehension sometimes. Heaving an exasperated sigh of defeat, he sank back down into the couch, ready to endure several more hours of Grayson talking his ear off and not giving him a chance to present his own ideas. He squinted his eyes at the fly, which had resumed it's position on the wall, and mentally whispered at it - I will kill you, I promise. 

*~*~ later ~*~*

Grayson lay on his bed, exhausted from the day's exertions. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and yawned, setting his phone on the side table. He suddenly became aware of a familiar buzzing sound, and following it, he saw the fly from earlier resting on the wall. He half-smiled, remembering how he'd named it Kasey just to trigger Ethan. Irritating his brother was always amusingly satisfying. 

He watched it now, and noticed it was acting . . . different. 

Is it dying? he wondered. It flew slowly and landed on his bed. The air suddenly shimmered around it, and when he saw what it left Grayson drew in his breath sharply and sat up straight.

There was a girl sitting on his bed. She was breathtakingly beautiful, with long golden brown hair falling softly around her shoulders, and light eyes framed by golden lashes. She lifted her head and smiled softly at him. 

"Hi, I'm Kasey."


AHAHA Guys this isn't my actual fanfic; it's just a funny piece I wrote for my friend ^.^ if you want me to write a scene for you comment something and maybe I will! :D

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