Chapter Two

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Reaper Pov
I chuckled, looking down at my next 'patient'. Everyone called me insane, always finding joy in preforming autopsies. I just liked tearing open the lifeless body. Prodding to find the cause of death.

I loved it.

I usually preformed 2 or so per day, 4 or more if the death toll that day was high.

At first during uni, when I was learning my profession, they thought I wouldn't be able to live up to the task. Thinking because I couldn't see colour, I couldn't do the job right.

I simply laughed and continued with my work. Just because my world was monochrome, doesn't mean I don't know what objects are.

When looking at a lifeless body, their skin is almost white in colour. One with life seems to be darker. Blood is darker, almost black in my eyes and so far, so fourth.

I had just been fiddling around with my first patient today. Cause of death: poisoned. I chuckled still stabbing the dude with the scalpel I still held in hand. Others around me where disgusted by my behaviour, but I just shrugged it off. Not like they could do any better.

I lost interest in the patient in front of me quite easily. Turns out stabbing a guy for half an hour is quite boring. I grabbed my clipboard, quickly jotting down my patients details and cause of death. Placing the piece of small board down, I stood and left the room, whistling a small tune. Striding down the halls, I reached the break room and checked off for the day. The bosses didn't care when I checked out, as long as I got the work done.

I left the building and headed back to my apartment. I loved right by the town hospital. It was quite large, white with pale "grey" squares along the sides of the building. Constant cries could be heard every now and then, not that I minded it.

Normal Pov
Reaper headed to his bedroom, flopping onto the bed as he reached the small room. He turned on the bed and starred out the window, directly at the hospital.  Across from his window was a hospital room, holding one patient. The room was small, only able to hold a bed and other assortments such as a small toilet, blocked with curtains.

The one patient located inside that room looked to be on his death bed. He hardly ever talked to anyone but the doctors and never ate. He looked to be a skeleton, large glitches covering his eye. Blood consistently leaked from his mouth, occasionally his nose and one large slash was present across his chest, never leaving.

Hell did Reaper was to prod around inside of him.

Reaper knew his time was coming soon. He wanted to give that small little skeleton an autopsy. He watched as a goat, probably a nurse, walked into the skeletons room. The two talked for a bit before the female stood and headed toward the anesthetic. She grabbed the gas mask and placed it onto his skull, knocking him out. She left the room and closed his hospital door as he slept.

I chucked as turned over in my bed and faced the opposing wall. It was white, the casual bland cream sorta white that was present in every apartment. Of course excluding those who owned theirs and painted the walls a different shade. I sighed softly and closed my eyes, not caring to crawl underneath the covers as I fell into a quiet slumber.

I awoke the next morning. The sun was glaring straight into my eyes and the morning mist began to disappear. I yawned and sat up. My arms stretched above my head as I climbed off my sheets. Heading to the fridge I cracked my knuckles and neck, pooping others as I walked along the halls.  A cold glass of water, finished with ice cubes, was poured for myself before I skulked the water down. The cold burnt my throat in a way. It didn't hurt me as much as it soothed me. Cool wind blew through underneath my doorway, blowing my uniform around. I smiled and headed over to the door, opening it slightly to let the air flow through my little apartment while I was getting ready for work.

I straightened my uniform, adjusting the tie and stuff. When I packed everything away, I cleaned up the house a little and threw my bag onto my back. Before leaving I glanced over to the window, seeing the guy I Watched on a daily basis being dragged out of his bed. He seemed completely lifeless. Even from across the street and up a few stories I could hear a faint beep, signaling his heart rate flat lined.

A smile crept to my face as I realized I could possibly be giving him and Autopsy. If his death wasn't too obvious. I couldn't wait to look around inside of him.

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