3 Insulting Quotes

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*I'm sorry i hurt
your feelings when
I called you stupid.
I really thought
you already knew.😊

*It's ok if you disagree
with me. I can't force
you to be right.

*I'm actually not
funny. I'm mean and
people think I'm joking.

*If you don't want a
sarcastic answer, don't
ask a stupid question.

*I'm busy right now
can I ignore you
some other time?

*I was wondering
how you comb your hair
so horns don't show.

*I love rumors. I
always find out amazing
things about myself
I never knew.

*Light travel faster than
sound. This is why some
people appear bright
until they speak.

*Some people need
a high five. In the face.
With a chair.

*Oh, my bad. I'm
sorry for bothering you.
I forgot I only exist when
you need me for something.

*If I wanted
to kill myself I would
climb your ego
and jump to your IQ.

*I'm sorry I
offended you with my
common sense.

*Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't
know you had the authority to
judge me. Who are you? God?

*Ignore me. I don't care
I'm used to it anyways,
I'm invisible.

*I love that super cute thing
You do where you don't text me
back for hours, adorable.

*I'm sorry if you
Don't like my honesty,
but to be fair, I don't like
your lies.

*I'm sorry I offended
you when I called
you a hoe. I didn't know
it was a secret.

*If lying was a job,
I know some people
who would be billionaires.

*I maybe drunk, miss,
but in the morning I will
be sober and you
will still be ugly.

*Oh i didn't realize
you're an expert
in my life and how
I should live it.
Please continue
while I take down notes.

*I am just so talented
I can listen to music
and ignore you at
the same time.

*Excuse me, miss,
you've got a bit
of face on your
make up.

*Are you always this
Stupid, or are you making
a special effort today.

*Is your ass
jealous of all
the shit that
comes out of
your mouth?

*The last thing
I want to si hurt you...
But it's still on the list...

*You must have been
born on a highway
because that's where
most accidents happen

*If common sense
is common why are
you without it?

*Keep rolling
your eyes,
maybe you'll
find a brain
back there.

*You sound
better with
your mouth

*I'd slap you but
that would be
animal abuse.

*I'm not saying I hate
you, but I'd unplug
your life support to
charge my phone.

*I would love to insult
you, but I'm afraid
I won't do as well as
your  own genetics.

*Somewhere out there
is a tree working hard
to replace the oxygen
you wasted, now go
apologize to it.

*You are like the
first piece of
bread, everybody
touches you but
no one want you.

*I'd like to see things
from your point
of view but I can't
seem to get my head
that far up my ass.

*If I had a gun with
two bullets and I was
in a room with Hitler,
Bin laden, and you,
I would shoot you twice.

*Stupidity is
not a crime,
If it is, you'll
end up in jail.

*You look like
something I'd
draw with my
left/right hand.

*Why don't you slip
into something
more comfortable,
like a coma

*The best part
about me, is
I'm not you

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