Baddie Pt. 2 {Fangs Fogarty}

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We arrived at the Whyte Wyrm, I got off of Fangs' bike and waited for him to get off. Sweet Pea was waiting for us by the front door. We both walked up to Sweet Pea.
SP: "I suggest you stay close to us, some of the guys in there are horny"
I chuckled and nodded my head, I followed Sweet Pea and Fangs was behind me. We weaved in between men and women until they led me upstairs. Sweet Pea knocked on the door, I heard a voice from the door yell to come in. Sweet Pea opened the door and stepped aside to let me and Fangs in.
SP: "You have a visitor"
The guy looked at me, I could recognize his face but I couldn't put a name to it.
?: "Y/N?"
His name clicked in my head once I heard him speak.
Y/N: "Mr. Jones!"
He got up from his desk and came over to hug me. We both pulled away.
FP: "How have you been?"
Y/N: "I've been alright, wish I was still living on the Southside but oh well"
FP chuckled.
FP: "So what brings you here?"
Y/N: "Umm well, I want to join the Serpents"
FP: "Does your mom know?"
Y/N: "No and she's not going to know"
FP: "Y/N, I don't know if I ca-"
Y/N: "Come on Mr. Jones, I've always wanted to become a Serpent and you know that"
He sighed and sat there for a second.
FP: "Alright"
I smiled widely.
Y/N: "Thank you so much, Mr. Jones!"
FP: "Your initiation will start tomorrow, so be ready"
Y/N: "Ok thank you so much"
FP: "Stay safe Y/N"
Y/N: "I will Mr. Jones"
He smiled and I turned around to walk out of the door. The two boys followed me out the door.
SP: "Well that went better than expected"
I chuckled.
Fangs: "Well do you guys want to go to Pop's?"
Me and Sweet Pea both nodded our heads. We all weaved through the people and eventually got outside. I got on to the back of Fangs' motorcycle, he started it up and sped off towards Pop's


When we got there, we all sat down in a booth towards the back of the dinner. Pop Tate came over to take our orders. We all ordered our food and went back to talking. I heard the bell that hung above the door, jingle, I looked to see who was about to walk through it. My heart stopped when I saw the familiar face of my mothers. I quickly slid under the table. Fangs poked his head under the table.
Fangs: "What are you doing?"
Y/N: "My mom's here"
Fangs nodded his head and went back to what he was doing beforehand. Within a few minutes Fangs poked his head back under the table.
Fangs: "Ok, it's clear"
I got up from the ground and sat back down on the booth. Fangs chuckled.
Y/N: "What?"
Fangs: "You're really willing to sit on the dirty floor in order to avoid your mom?"
Y/N: "You have no idea"
Fangs smiled. We all talked and ate our dinner. Sweet Pea and Fangs talked about the initiation and their experiences while doing it. While Sweet Pea went to the washroom, Fangs was attempting to flirt with me. Not saying he is bad at flirting but I wasn't willing to give in, yet.


It was the last day of my initiation. I had just packed my backpack for tonight. I slung the bag over my shoulder and made my way out of my house. My mom stopped me.
M/N: "Where are you going?"
Y/N: "Out with some friends"
She raised her eyebrows.
M/N: "You better not come home with a police officer by your side"
Y/N: "Yeah whatever"
I walked out the door and shut it behind me. I walked into the garage and got into my truck. I started up the truck. I peeled out of my driveway and down the street towards the Wyrm. When I got there I parked my truck beside the others. I got out of my truck and began to walk up the steps. I began to feel my heart beat fast. I pulled the door open and walked in. Like the other day, it was crowded, many were drinking and socializing. I took a deep breath and continued to walk upstairs towards FP's "office". I earned many looks from other Serpents most of them dirty looks but few of them were smiles. I walked up the wooden stairs and knocked on the door. FP answered.
FP: "Hey Y/N, you ready?"
Y/N: "Yeah, I just have to get changed then we'll be ready to go"
FP: "Ok, well you can change in here and leave your stuff in here"
Y/N: "Ok thank you"
FP stepped out of the door and let me in. He closed the door behind him. I set my stuff down and got changed quickly. I took a deep breath and opened the door, I walked out and closed the door behind me. FP was waiting at the end of the stairs. He heard the door shut and looked in my direction. I walked down the stairs and met FP at the bottom.
FP: "Are you ready?"
Y/N: "As ready as I'll ever be"
FP smiled slightly and walked up on stage to introduce me. He walked up to the mic and leaned down slightly due to him being tall.
FP: "Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage, Y/N"
The whole room erupted in howls from the audience, but I could mostly hear Sweet Pea and Fangs. I walked up on the stage. The song began to play. (This is the song)

I began to dance along with the music. I swayed my hips from side to side and swung on the pole. I got low to the ground and stuck my ass out when I stood up. I whipped my hair and continued to sway my hips. I looked over in Fangs' direction, he looked at me with lustful eyes, I bit my lip and smiled slightly. I continued on with my dance, keeping Fangs in mind. Doing moves that I knew would only turn him on more. Soon enough the music ended and FP came on stage with a jacket in his hands. I took it from his hands and put it over my shoulders. The room was cheering once again. I noticed Fangs was out of his seat clapping for me. I took a bow and made my way off stage. Sweet Pea and Fangs met up with me. Fangs patted my back.
Fangs: "Welcome to the family"
I smiled.
Y/N: "Thank you"
SP: "Let's get a few drinks to celebrate"
Me and Fangs both agreed. We all walked over to the bar. Sweet Pea and Fangs both ordered their drinks.
Fangs: "Y/N. what do you want to drink?"
Y/N: "Umm, I'll take a rum and coke"
Fangs looked at me with his eyebrows raised.
Y/N: "What?"
Fangs: "Didn't think you were a rum and coke kind of girl"
Y/N: "Well you thought wrong"
The bartender slid it out in front of me, I dug into my pocket for some money but Fangs gently grabbed my wrist.
Fangs: "Hey Y/N, don't worry about it, your family now"
Y/N: "Are you sure?"
Fangs: "Yeah don't worry about it"
I took the drink off the counter, Sweet Pea and Fangs made their way over towards a pool table. I followed them closely and set my drink down at the edge of the pool table.
Y/N: "I'll be back, I'm just going to change"
Fangs: "Why? You look good in your outfit"
He winked at me causing my heart to skip a beat. I rolled my eyes and began to walk towards the stairs. I could hear Fangs chuckle behind me. I made my way over towards the stairs but got stopped multiple time by other Serpents. They were congratulating me on joining the Serpents and welcoming me. I eventually made it to the stairs and ran up them to get changed. I knocked on the door to make sure that there was no one in the room. I didn't get a reply so I walked in. I shut the door behind me and quickly got changed into the clothes that I had on previously, making sure to slip on the Serpent jacket over top. I came back downstairs in a tight black dress that hugged my curves with a Serpent jacket over my shoulders. I walked back over to the pool table where Fangs and Sweet Pea were just talking to each other. I walked over to them and caught the eyes of Fangs. He bit his lip slightly while checking me out.
Y/N: "Hey, my eyes are up here"
Fangs blushed a bit while Sweet Pea laughed behind him.
Y/N: "Anyways are we playing pool or what?"
SP: "Yeah let's do it"
Sweet Pea set up the pool table while Fangs was still standing in the same spot. I walked over to him.
Hey Y/N: "Come on Fangs, loosen up"
Fangs: "I can't when you look that good"
I chuckled and shoved him playfully causing him to chuckle as well. Sweet Pea finished setting up the pool table. Fangs and I walked over to him.
SP: "You can break the triangle, Y/N"
Y/N: "Wow, I'm honoured"
I grabbed a cue stick and began to line up the shot. I hit the cue ball and sunk a couple of balls in the process. I continued my turn until I missed. I let Fangs go next, I grabbed my drink and began to take a sip of it. I kept my eyes on Fangs. He looked up at me and winked before taking his shot. He sunk a few balls in as well, Sweet Pea then went next. Once his turn was up, the cue ball landed in front of Fangs. I walked over him and bent down in front of him making sure to stick out my ass. I heard him groan slightly. I missed the ball, meaning it was Fangs' turn. He almost ended up winning.
Y/N: "Wow, you're so good"
Fangs: "I know I'm good"
He leaned over to me and whispered in my ear as I was beginning to take another sip of my drink.
Fangs: "Especially in bed"
I almost spit out my drink. The night went on like that, us constantly teasing each other. When I was about to head out, Fangs walked me out to my truck. I turned to face him so that my back was against the truck. He instantly crashed his lips into mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. We both eventually pulled away.
Fangs: "God, you're perfect"
I smiled.
Y/N: "Oh stop"
Fangs: "I'm being serious. I think you're so perfect that you should be with me"
I chuckled.
Y/N: "You're a cocky son of a bitch"
He smiled devilishly.
Fangs: "So?"
I kissed his cheek.
Y/N: "Yeah, I'll be your girlfriend"
He smiled and kissed me once again.
Y/N: "I'll see you at school tomorrow, ok?"
He nodded his head and I pecked his cheek once again before getting in my truck and driving home.

AN: Sorry this was so terribly written, I wanted to get something posted tonight so it was a bit rushed. Also sorry that it took so long for me to upload this. Thank you again fangs_wifey for requesting this imagine. I genuinely hope you enjoyed it. Anyways I was wondering if you guys would like to see more smut chapters, let me know in the comments and also comment what you think on this imagine. Love you guys!!

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