Scion of Light XV

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Chapter 15: Standard Knight Examination III

Elder sister, be careful. as Long Hao Chen warned her, his foot had already moved. The distance crossed by each of his steps werent much, but the pace was high. This was the knights short distance charge, that he correctly executed. Both swords, the first in front of Long Hao Chen and the second behind his back almost arrived in front of Li Xin in a flash.

A fast and strong thrust went straight towards Li Xins left shoulder, it was filled with the power of the sheer momentum concentrated in the charge.

Li Xin showed a smile. Her left hands sword was quickly raised, blocking Long Hao Chens attack, and she attacked with her right hands sword in no hurry. She wanted to see if this little guy could be harmed by an attack of this level.

Bang– –, without a sign, Long Hao Chens right feet suddenly stomped on the ground, causing his foot to cancel its previous motion, forcefully ending this all-out charge, his body floating along with it. Meanwhile, the sent out refined iron sword was quickly retrieved along with the motion, just in time to cross this provocation of Li Xin.

Nalan Shus eyes shone; skill interruption?

He also took back into his hand the refined-iron sword at this moment. The edge of his sword momentarily shone and right afterwards, with at least twice his prior speed, a light shone on the edge, aiming for Li Xings left shoulder as before.

[Pure White Edge], [Thorny Charge]. Two knight abilities practically perfectly mixed together were used, and it happened to create an opening in this moment of provocation from Li Xin.

The knight skill called [Thorny Charge] is able to raise the speed of the attack and, at the same time to gather the spiritual energy. Coordinated with a second ability that condenses the spiritual energy, [Pure White Edge], this hits power had already greatly outstripped Long Hao Chens 107th spiritual energy level.

However, Li Xin was not a Standard Knight, she was a Genuine Knight and at the instant the sword moved, she was already in guard against it, her right hands sword arriving before her body in this critical situation. No matter how much Long Hao Chen enhanced his attack, it couldnt be enough to pierce her defense.

Ding– —

The two swords met each other, Long Hao Chens thrust hit the part located at the top third of the blade. The power of the straight thrust wasnt really lacking compared to the cross cut. However, because of the superiority of Li Xins spiritual energy compared to Long Haos, she blocked the attack, but couldnt help draw two step backs.

Pa– –, the sword in Long Hao Chens right hand was repelled, but his movements did not stop so easily, his right arms refined-iron sword rose at the same time as he took a step forward, unexpectedly assaulting again.

A second charge, and at such a close-distance, but it was repelled even though this attack was the second in a row.

Long Hao Chens tough right hand swept from the side. The second charge only consisted of three steps, but during those three steps, his body seemed very stable. Then, his foot rotated, realizing with his body a swift whirl. The left hands sword rose, shining of a thin white light, [Pure White Edge]s severe chop was directed straight towards Li Xin.

Li Xins eyes were full of surprise, but she showed her inborn talents of a genius knight at this moment. Her right foot was directed towards the back, her body taking a stable posture. Then, her body bent over, the sword at her right-hand side prepared and the sword at her left side, emitting a sort of lightning, stabbed ahead, becoming ten sword shadows heading towards Long Hao Chens body. [Lightning Thrust], a third step knight skill.

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