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Warning: this chapter contains- swears

Plz don't get butt hurt pissed ;)


(Y/N) p.o.v

Me, Jeff and Ben where 'bout to leave school but the bitch-princepal stopped us, "what bitch?" I asked crossing my arms.
"Miss, you have a detention after school. It will last 2 hours, lets go,"
My eyes widened, I looked over at Ben and Jeff who had the same expression.
"Fuck you! I ain't going anywhere! It's not my fucking fault this school is a rip off of Kings!" I growled, pulling my fists up.
"Miss, please cooperate,"
"HOW 'BOUT YOU COOPERATE!" I threw a push at the teacher, she fell into a bush that was filled with ants and spiders,
"AHH!" She screamed, I grabbed Ben's and Jeff's arms while running away to the bus station.
Once we made it far away, we gasped for air.
"w-whoa! I've never seen anyone do that!" Ben laughed,
"agreed.." Jeff sighed, I smirked.
"Well I do this all the time,"
We began walking to the bus station, I heard Jeff mumble something to Ben,
"what was that?" I asked, turning and raising my eyebrow,
"I um. Nothing..." Jeff said, obviously lying.
I growled, grabbing his hood and pulling him closer, "WHAT. DID. YOU. SAY?" I growled more,
"I asked Ben about your Boyfriend!"
"My boyfriend? What did you want to know?" I asked letting him go,
"I wanted to know if he treats you nicely..."
"why would you care?" I crossed my arms huffing.
"you seem like a nice girl, a nice girl like you deserves a nice boy like me~" Ben interrupted,
I looked over at him with a ಠ_ಠ face.
"You what, m8?" I glared at him, "Thanks for the compliment but I'm evil..." I said huffing once again.

Jeff's p.o.v (WHOA)

She's really cute, too cute for a human. I guess she still doesn't believe that i'm jeff... Jeff the killer... I sighed putting my hands in my hoodie and looking to the other side, "sooo, what time do you need to get to the station?" I asked,
" 4:00pm." she anseered,
"uhmm.. You do realise its 3:54..? Right?"
Her eyes widened, "shit!!" she grabbed our hands again and ran to the station, this girl is fast 0_0.
Once we arrived, she payed for our tickets then we sat down,
"thanks for paying for us~" Ben flirted with her, she ignored.
I sighed and looked out the window, 'am I starting to like this.. Human...?' I thought, 'but I can't, what will slenderman think....? Plus she has a ... Boyfriend..'
"are you okay?" (Y/n) asked poking me, I nod smiling,
"I'm fine," I told her.
(( jeff is like:


(Y/n) p.o.v

We finally got to my house,
"so, if you're really BEN Drowned and Jeff The Killer... Prove it." I crossed my arms.
"Fine, just turn around." Jeff said,
"hmm.. Sounds suspicious but sure why not," I then turned around, I wanted about 5 seconds,
"we're done, you can look." I heard Ben say, so I turned around and there stood BEN Drowned and Jeff The Killer.
My eyes widened, "so y'all didn't lie? Wow, I'm suprised..."
"aren't you scared?" BEN asked, and I shook my head,
"Nah, i've seen more messed up shit in my life..."
"like?" Jeff asked,
"I ran away from home at age 5, I met slenderman, I have a demon friend called Charlie, I ran over my dog with a toy car at age 3 and killed it, I poisoined my cat, I killed my 2 bunnies then set them on fire. I nearly chocked someone in school at age 6 and when I was 12, I pulled a knife on someone." I smirked tilting my head to the side slightly.
"whoa, that's probably why slenderman wants you to be a proxy..." Jeff said,
"you what." I glared at him.
"nothin, can we meet Charlie?" BEN asked,
"sure, he kinda hates creepypastas though,"
"you do realise we're not actually creepypasta... We never gave eachother a name, humans did...''
"yea yea whatever. Charlie! C'm here a min,"
Charlie formed infront of them,
"AHHHH!!!!" They screamed like a girl,
Charlie stared at them.
Charlie was black and white, he had no eyes, black oozed out of them, his mouth was gone, it was hanging loose with black oozing out. He had grey hair, black and white stripped scarf, grey sweater, black jeans and black sneackers. He also had percings.
"sUp," he said in his static voice,
"aRE thEsE... CrEEpYpasTas...?" asked Charlie, I nod, charlie groaned at my answer, "WhY'D yOu BRiNg ThEM HeRE?"
I shrug, "I was bored.." I said then added, "my parents aren't gonna be here, sooo... Why not invite serial killers in my house?"
"aRe... YoU SerIOUs...?" Charlie was like (MIND BLOWN) ಠ_ಠ wtf.
I nod laughing, "why don't y'all meet eachother?"
Charlie sighed and put out his hand to them making them scream a bit,
"NaMEs ChARliE. NIcE tO mEeT YoU BoTh..."
They took his hand carefully and shook it, "my name is Jeff.. You too.." said jeff,
"my name is BEN.. You too aswell.." said BEN,
"wHy DiD yOU bRInG ThEsE HomO'S?" charlie asked me, I giggled and punched his arm playfully,
"don't say that about guests, I bet you all will be great friends! I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," I then walked into the kitchen.
Soon enough, I felt someones arms wrap around my waist, I looked down to see someone with green on,
"BENN...." I growled,
He chuckled and hugged me from behind, "you're really cute, ya'know..." he whispered,
"why don't you go to meet Charlie?" I asked,
"I'm scared of him..."
I sighed, "get you're hands off or I scream for Charlie..." I said, lowly.
BEN sighed and pulled his hands off,
"what are you even doing?" he asked,
"well, I was 'bout to make cookies." I said,
"want some help?" BEN asked,
"sure, just don't be perverted."
He chuckled, "okay okay, fine,"
Then we both made them cookies,


What jeff thinks of you- she's cuter every minute, I cant wait to take her away~

What BEN thinks of you- SHE SO HOT MY FACE BURNS EVERYTIME SHE LOOKS AT ME... Did I say I'm not good in the kitchen..?

lol sorry bai)

The Perfect One (Jeff The Killer X Reader X BEN Drowned)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz