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Warning- this chapter contains: possible swears

Plz dont get pissed ;)


(Y/n) p.o.v

As me and Jeff walked out, I felt BEN glaring daggers at him. As soon as I turned around to look at him, he continued playing his video games, possibly The Legend Of Zelda.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Snap out of the day dream and get 'movin!" Jeff clapped his hands infront of me to get my attention,
"I u-uh, sorry…"
"Yea I thought so," Jeff smirked and kept walking while I followed his steps.

I was busy looking around the forest, it was prettier then I thought, well... Until we enetered 'The Slendy Hunting' part.

All of a sudden, it turned dark, the once lime green leaves turned dark and the trees looked like distressed souls calling for help. (OH WOW 0_0)

Clutching onto Jeff's hoodie, he laughed, "aww the once-badass I knew got scared! Haha! Very funny, since you will soon be walking here alone," Jeff had an even bigger smile plastered across his face, well. If that is even possible!

"S-Stop trying to scare me beacause you find it funny! I told Slendy on you for saying you-" I shouted until I was cut off by his pale hand wrapping around my mouth, shutting it tight.
"Shut up, human! You do realise we are here to MURDER?!" Jeff whisper yelled.

I sighed and nodded, "good." He then pulled his hand away, leaving my sore mouth.

We kept walking, deeper into the forest. Jeff took hold of my knife as he noticed the next prey.

"Right, human. What you have to do is, take this in your dominant hand, put your index finger onto this back bit of the knife, run behind him but slowly, run without making any noise. Then strike, right into the back, usually the clothes on people's clothing resembles the weak spot. Were the sown bit is on the clothing of the shirt, strike there. It should be an instant death," Jeff smirked while explaining and showing jesters of how I will do it.

I nodded as Jeffrey passed me the knife. I held it in my (dominant hand. Which hand you write with. Left or right) and slowly ran towards the boy, I made no noise surprisingly.

I striked at the back sown portion of his now covered in blood shirt, he set out a light gasp before I took out the knife and the brunette fell onto his knees, slowly bleeding out. I kicked it in the back to make sure it will fall onto his face, I heard him cough and take his last breath.

For some reason I wanted to do it again.. And again and again AND AGAIN AND AGAIN,
"AND AGAIN!" I shouted before dropping the knife and covering my face,
"shit (Y/n), now you're becoming a phsyco and you only got 1 KILL...?! Wow... Already? Damn you're weak," Jeff laughed,
"S-Shut up!"
"S-Stop it Jeff!"
"Hahahaha! Weakling!"
I took the knife, struck it at him and hit him in the shoulder of his hoodie, missing his flesh by an inch, he fell backwards into a tree being stuck there.

I took the knife out, causing him to fall to his knees, then ran back to the mansion, "A-Agh! (Y/n) wait up!" I heard him yell behind me.

"(Y/n) you're back!" BEN happily smiled. Ignoring his comment, I ran upstairs and into my room, locking the door.

I leaned on the shut door, and cried, cried like my life mattered on it.

Jeff is horrible...

(Jeff's p.o.v) ||OMG NEW P.O.V WOW||

Once I was back at the mansion, I was thinking to myself, 'did I really say that...?' I felt like an idiot, why would I hurt her?!

"Jeffrey..." I looked up, since I was on the sofa (oh and btw. In this, Jeff is 6 foot and BEN is 5,5 foot. You're 5,3 XD) and saw Benjamin.
"Whatcha want, Benjamin," I smirked, he knew I hated being called Jeffrey, and I know he hates being called Benjamin soo, why not.
"Do not call me that, and why is (Y/n) sad?! What the hell did you do?" BEN growled,
"it is non of your business, Mr. Lawman,"
"yes it is my business, (Y/n) is a friend of mine and I WILL protect her!"
"well I won't tell you," I crossed my arms,
"fine Jeffrey, I will find out myself then," BEN walked upstairs into (Y/n)'s room while I stayed sat thinking about my idiotic actions.

Why would I do that? She's so cute, why IN THE HELP would I hurt that poor thing?

The Perfect One (Jeff The Killer X Reader X BEN Drowned)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora