That Girl

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Darwin was always the innocent one in the Watterson household. The one person who was constantly happy and energetic. One would only expect his mind to be as pure as he was, right? Well, anyone who would think that is wrong. Sure, he was an angel for all of his younger years, but that was before he met... Penny

Darwin smiled as he remembered the feeling that he got when he first met Gumball. It was a painful feeling but, it was painful in a good way. Does that make sense? It was a burning sensation from deep inside of him. It's hard to describe... But Darwin had felt something.

The feeling was quickly replaced when Gumball began to fall head over heals for Penny. What did he even see in her anyways? Darwin often considered asking, but always chickened out of it in the end. It was when Gumball and Penny began dating, then could Darwin understand the new emotion he was feeling.


He had never felt it before, so it was confusing. Though, he quickly understood why he hated Penny. She was trying to take Gumball away!

But Darwin won't let this happen.

~You're More Than A Brother To Me~ Gumball x Yandere!DarwinWhere stories live. Discover now