{17} Walking with Luke

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Chapter 17: Walking with Luke

"I'm gonna go outside for a moment," Luke says to me. I nod. Luke leaves and now I'm standing here, alone, searching for Ashton through the crowd of couples dancing.

I hear someone clear his throat behind me.

I turn around and look in his direction.

"Do you wanna dance?" Ashton asks holding out his hand.

I stare at him for a few seconds. Ashton asks ME to dance with him. He smiles as he sees my surprised look. "As friends of course," he says, thinking I was shocked cause I didn't want to be more then friends. Wrong thought Ash."Yes," I still say, taking his hand.

He leads me to the middle of the dance floor where the coloured spots of the DJ are shining on the people, creating a magically and romantic atmosphere with the romantic slow music.

"Just before we start, I have no idea what I'm doing," Ashton jokes as he place his hands on my hips and turns me towards him. I laugh. "Don't worry, me n'either," I say and place my hands on his shoulders.

We start to move slowly to the music. Its quite awkward, most couples are dancing closer to each other. The girls their heads are laying on their partners shoulders, the guys have their arms tight around their girl.

And we are dancing an arm length away from each other, looking nervously in each others eyes. Even though I'd love to dance a bit closer to Ashton, I'm afraid to make the first move, you know. And he doesn't make the first move either. Thats probably what he meant with 'as friends'.

So yeah, we keep dancing awkwardly looking and smiling at each other.

Not so romantic. I hope people are too concentrated with dancing to see us.

The slow song stops and a not so slow song starts playing.

"Okay love birds, make some space for the singleeeeeees," the DJ says through his mike.

People suddenly fill the dance floor and the dance floor becomes more of a dance floor again. Ashton smiles and lets go of my hips.

"I'm gonna go outside for a moment!" I yell at Ashton over the music. He nods and starts dancing with the people around him.

I make my way through the crowd. I finally reach the glass back door. I can see Luke standing outside on Elaia's terrace talking with some people I don't know. I slide the door open.

The cold air immediately touches my bare legs and I get goose bumps. But I wanna go outside for a moment, away from the crowd. A few people who were outside standing with Luke turn around and go back inside. You can see and smell that their drunk as they walk past me through the door opening, talking loudly.

I look at Luke and he smiles at me when I walk towards him and close the door. Aaaah... silence.

"So, dancing with Ash huh?" Luke says.

I blush a bit. "Yeah, as friends," I say fidgeting with the hem of my dress.

"Oh. Did he said that?" Luke asks as he starts walking around in the garden. I just follow his crossing my arms cause its quite cold outside. Its already dark. There a few other people outside in Elaia's garden. Mostly couples who sneaked outside to have a make-out session in the garden.

Elaia did a great job. The whole garden is decorated with light hanging in the trees. They're the only thing that lights the dark and silent garden.

Its so romantic.

"Yeah he said that," I answer Luke trying to sound like it didn't bother me.

"Too bad," Luke says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Luke furrows. "Well I thought you liked him," he says confused.

What? How does he know that?

"What?" I ask wide eyed.

Luke laughs a bit. "You think I haven't notice?"

I look down and blush. "Is it that obvious?"

"Kinda. The way you talk with him, the bathroom thing, the tickle fight,..." Luke trails off.

"Oh," I say.

So my crush is noticeable.

"You think he noticed it?" I ask Luke.

Luke shrugs. "Don't know."

"You think he feels the same?" I ask nervous about my question and about his answer.

Luke shrugs once again. "Don't know."

"So weird how fast you can fall in love," I mumble.

Luke smiles and nods, looking to the ground.

"I barely know you guys a week," I say.

"Yeah, we became friends real fast," Luke says.

"I only know your name for like, 2 days," I laugh thinking back of it.

"What?" Luke asks.

"Yeah," I smile. "I kinda didn't really catch your name the first time I saw you," I confess.

"Seriously?" Luke laughs as I nod.

We keep slowly walking through the garden for a bit. My feet still hurt and i'm freezing but I wanna stay outside. I can think much better here, away from the loud music and all the people.

Luke stops abruptly.

"Maybe we should go inside," he says with his jaw clenched, staring to a tree a bit further.

"Why?" I look at where he's looking.


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Nothing interesting happened only the fact that Jake is done with his exams and summer vacation officially started for him a few days ago :)

Oh btw, I'd really like some request for a 1D preference. Even if its just a simple one like first date or something. Or you can do 5 requests at once, I don't care, JUST PLEAZE GIVE ME SOMETHING I CAN WRITE.

Haha srr, just in the mood for writing preferences :P

H&I will get updated soon :)

~Jane xx

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