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MARIE - before

The first time I saw him shirtless was an accident.
He plays for the school rugby team, and it was the cup final.
It was a Thursday night and I didn't have any other plans, so when Beth suggested we went to watch I said yes.
It was ten minutes into the second half when Andrew got into a bit of a scrap with a player of the other team, there was pushing and shoving, then the other guy grabbed Andrews shirt as Andrew pushed him and it ripped.
He had to come off and change it.
He was stood at the side of the pitch, he pulled the ripped shirt over his head and there he was.
Stood, with no top on.
I tried not to, but I looked.
His skin wasn't dark, but there was a hint of a tan forming.
His stomach was flat and muscular. Very muscular.
I'd seen his biceps before, he would often wear short sleeved tops that highlighted his muscles.
But I hadn't expected him to be this strong.
His chest and shoulders were huge.
I could not look away.
Because even from my seat, I could clearly see the scar that ran from his collar bone down his right peck.
It was at least 4 inches long.

Then it was gone, he'd pulled his new shirt on.

It was so strange, because there was probably one hundred other girls here who'd all just watched him strip.
Everyone fancied Andrew Barton.
But it had felt like it had just been me and him.

At school the next day, I overheard two girls talking about his scar.
"Matty told me, he got it from a knife fight."
"Omg, that's so fucking hot."
I cringed internally.

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