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Herobrine gazed at the old studio. This is perfect, he thought. He watched as a man entered the building, humming away with excitment. The trap is set. The machine inside will not bring him fame and money, as Joey Drew thinks it will. Oh, no. Herobrine smiles to himself. Soon, he will rule over this world and Earth, as well as getting rid of his biggest threats. Herobrine sneered as his thoughts turned to his twin and his blonde friend. Soon they're spirits will be trapped within the ink. They will have no choice but to serve him. Soon.

Drake glanced sideways at Grayson. The proud thief was sitting beside him, blonde hair slightly stinged from the lava. His jacket was frayed at the edges, and there was a nasty cut above his left eye. Blood stained his jeans where he had been shot. Drake was sure he didn't look much better. The battle with Herobrine had left him sore and bloody. Both magicly and physically exhausted, Drake was having trouble keeping his eyes open. His shirt felt sticky, and something warm was running down his leg. Drake looked around wearilly. The tent they were in was small, and they were tied to a iron rod that was attached to the wall of the tent. Other than Grayson and the guard at the entrance, he and Grayson were alone. Drake briefly wondered if he could knock the guard unconscious, then decided against it. It wasn't like that was the only guard, after all. "Grayson." He hissed, one eye on the guard, who didn't move. Grayson looked up. His green eyes were exhausted. "I'm sorry I brought you into this Drake." He muttered. Drake shook his head. "Not your fault." He whispered, eye on the guard. Grayson didn't respond. Drake sighed. "There's got to be some way out." He muttered, talking to himself. Grayson glanced at Drake. "Tell them I made you." He muttered. Drake looked at him, startled. "What?" Grayson made himself look straight into Drake's eyes. "Tell them I blackmailed you. That I held your friend hostage and forced you to work with me." Drake shook his head in disbelief. "No way." "Drake." Grayson tried, but Drake spoke over him angrily. "I'm not leaving you, Grayson!" The guard looked over. "Shut up you two!" Grayson looked at Drake pleadingly. Drake turned away. He couldn't believe Grayson would even suggest that! "Drake, I don't want you to die." Grayson whispered. "This isn't your fault. You don't need to take the punishment with me." Drake looked at Grayson. "Grayson, I'm not going to die. Neither are you. We will find a way out of this." Drake tried for a smile. "I mean, come on. We've survived Herobrine for Notch's sake. I think we can handle a few humans." Grayson glanced at Drake, looking startled. "Why on earth would you say his name?!?!" He demanded. "You know that catches his attention!" Drake winked at Grayson. "Herobrine!" He shouted. "Come get us, you filthy coward!" "Drake!" Grayson screamed. "What are you thinking!" The guard looked into the tent. "I said to Sh-" Suddenly the guard was flung sideways. Smoke filled the air. Grayson coughed. "Oh, that's just great." He muttered. "Now we can be killed by Him instead." Drake didn't answer. He was too busy pulling the rod off the wall. Grayson, seeing what Drake was doing, started to pull as well. The rod fell, and Drake pulled away from it. An arrow flew into the tent, straight at Drake. Drake leaned to one side, and as the arrow flew past, something strange happened. The whole world seemed to slow down. Drake could see Grayson, struggling with his bonds, and the arrow flying by him, but it was like they were moving in slow motion. Drake positioned his bonds, and as the arrow flew past him, it cut through the rope that bound his hands. The world sped up. Grayson was staring at Drake with shock flaring in his green eyes. Drake, now free, ran forward and freed Grayson. Grayson rubbed his wrists. "Thanks." Drake nodded. "Come on, lets find our things." Grayson led the way out of the tent, his confidence restored. Drake followed, relieved Grayson was acting normal once again. Grayson led the way into chaos. The camp was on fire, people running everywhere, trying to escape the blaze. As they left the tent, a branch fell onto it, causing it to erupt into flames. That was too close. Drake eyed the tent. That was way too close. Grayson's expression echoed Drake's thoughts. "Come on." He said, turning away. Drake followed Grayson down the gravel path. Grayson stopped outside a tent identical to every other. "Drake, wait here. Make sure no one gets inside." Drake nodded at him. Grayson ducked into the tent. Drake waited, hands outstretched, like he was about to catch a ball. He could feel his powers growing, returning to him after that horrid battle. Armen... Drake shook himself. No time to grieve. People, mersionarries that had been hired to kill Grayson, and, by extension, him, were running wildly. Drake highly doubted that, in the panic, someone would recognise him. Grayson ducked out of the tent, pulling Drake from his thoughts. The outlaw had two backpacks, as well as his sword and Drake's. Drake excepted his sword and a backpack. "Grabbed as much as I could." Grayson explained, slipping his own pack onto his shoulders. Holding his purple sword, Audrin, in front of him, Grayson nodded at Drake. Drake took his diamond sword out, and together they fled through the camp. "Grayson, do you know where we are?" Drake asked, ducking past fleeing mersionarries. Grayson nodded. "Yeah, we're in the Empire, about three days from the capital." Drake nodded. "Ok." He muttered to himself. Grayson turned, headed down an alleyway between two tents. Flames licked at Drake's heals as he followed. The smoke was thick, and Drake could no longer see Grayson, though he could hear him coughing. Then, just ahead, someone screamed. "Grayson!" Drake screamed, turning the corner, going deeper into the smoke. He coughed. "Grayson!" He shouted again. He couldn't see. The smoke seemed to press to him, suffocating him, but he still kept going. "Gray..son" Drake wheezed. He was slowing. Drake felt light-headed. White spots danced in his eyes. He stopped, gasping for air. Then something hit him in the back of the head, and Drake fell. The last thing he saw before he fell unconscious were two white eyes, glowing inside the smoke.

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