Chapter 2

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The boy followed the pair as they made their way through the woods. He pushed some of his jet-black hair out of his face, keeping low to the ground so he wouldn't be spotted. He appeared to be younger than Drake or Grayson by a few years, but his eyes were shadowed with more pain and horror than the two of them combined. The boy knew something bad had happened to him, something terrible, yet he had no memory of what that might be. The only clues were his haunted eyes, torn and bloody clothes, and nightmares that never went away, even though when he woke they were nothing more than fading pictures. The only thing he was sure of was his name: Armen.

Armen followed the two men, although just looking at them made his brain hurt. He felt he knew them. Their names were painstakingly familular, as well as their faces. Even the way they walked and talked to eachother was familuar. "What is a Dreamworld exactly, Drake?" Armen heard Grayson ask. Drake shook his head. "Not entirly sure." The hybrid admitted. "The term kinda...popped up in my head." Armen frowned. Dreamworld set off a ton of alarm bells inside his head. He wasn't entirly sure why, though. "Hey Grayson." Drake said suddenly, stopping. Armen froze, ducking behind a tree. Grayson stopped, looking back at Drake. "What is it?" Grayson asked worriedly, sensing something was amiss. Drake's voice was cold as he replied steadily. "We're being followed." Armen felt his blood go cold at Drake's words. Then he felt something push him foreword, out from behind the tree. Armen yelped as he fell, in plain sight of Drake and Grayson. Grayson looked startled, Drake looked grim. Armen stood uneasily, looking from Drake to Grayson. The outlaw had a strange look on his face, and Drake was studying Armen so intently he was supprised the hybrid didn't self cumbust or something. "Um, hi." Armen muttered, the first remembered words he had ever spoken. His voice was higher than he thought, more childlike than he imagined. Grayson gazed at Armen with emerald eyes for several seconds, then nodded, like he had just decided something. Drake, oddly enough, looked like he was about to cry. Grayson glanced at the hybrid, startled. "Whoa, Um, you OK Drake?" He asked. Drake nodded. "Y-yeah." He muttered. "Sorry, not sure what just came over me." Armen looked at the hybrid and felt the odd urge to hug him. Grayson smiled. "I suppose we all feel somewhat the same." He said finally, gazing at Armen once again. "Armen, right?" Armen nodded. Grayson smiled at him. "Well, theirs room for one more." He invited. Armen, for the first time in salvagable memory, smiled happily. "Thanks." Armen went to follow Grayson and felt arms grab him from behind, wrapping him in a hug. Armen, startled, glanced up at his assulter. Drake. The hybrid was very strong, Armen doubted he would be able to break free from the hybrids hold. Oddly, though, Armen didn't feel threatened. Instead he allowed himself a minute of vurnarability, burying his face in Drake's blue T-shirt. He felt safe. Then, as quick as they appeared, Drake let his arms fall to his sides. Armen felt cold air rush past were Drake was a second earlier. "Sorry." Drake muttered. "Not sure..." His voice trailed off. "Sorry." He muttered again. Armen smiled up at Drake. "It's OK." He told the hybrid with a reassuring smile. Drake smiled awkwardly back. Armen glanced at Grayson. The man smiled at him. "Well, thats just more proof we all knew eachother before this." He said with a nod in Armen's direction. Armen smiled sheepishly.

Henry watched them from a safe distance. It shouldn't have supprised him, seeing new faces in this old town. After all, he hasn't been here in about 30 years. Yet, it did. Henry fingered the letter in his pocket, the sole reason he had returned to this town to begin with. Joey wanted to show him something... What that thing may be, Henry had no clue. Joey was a... well, for lack of a better term....... imposing person. He tended to be obnocshous and hated to share the spotlight. Why Joey would invite him back was a mystery. It wasn't like they were all peachy when they last saw eachother, 30 years ago. Henry gazed at the black-haired boy. There was something about him.... Something familular.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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