Chapter 1

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Grayson sat up, flinching as he did so. His head felt like a creeper had exploded inside it, every movement set off another explosion of pain inside his skull. Grayson rubbed his head and opened his eyes. Everything was blurry, a screen of brown, green, and blue. Then, like someone had focused a camera, everything fell into place. Grayson was inside a forest, laying on the grass below a canopy of leaves. Grayson looked up. The trees were tall, reaching up to the sky. A groan caused Grayson to turn, alarmed. There was a Enderman hybrid standing next to a tree, rubbing his head. Grayson relaxed. He wasn't sure why, but he felt at ease by the hybrid. The hybrid had wavy brown hair, and wore a blue T-shirt, ripped at the collar, and blue jeans. A polished Diamond sword hung at his waist. He looked up at Grayson, and the outlaw was met with the fircest eyes he had ever seen. One was Ender, a light purple orb with a slit of dark purple, and the other was nothing but a blank, milky orb. Grayson felt a flash of recognition, and the hybrid's name slipped out of his mouth. "Drake?" Surprise flashed inside his eyes. "Do I know you?" His voice was very deep, and very familiar. Grayson hesitated. Did he know this hybrid? It certainly seemed that way. Yet Grayson had no memory of him. Sure, he somehow knew his name, but that was it. "Maybe?" He ventured, looking up at the hybrid. Drake was tall, towering over Grayson. Confusion lit his gaze. "You seem... Familiar." Drake decided. Grayson blinked. Perhaps Drake knew him. "I do?" The hybrid nodded. "Yes. Do you..." The hybrid's voice trailed off. Grayson frowned. This hybrid was wierd. He seemed pretty tough. "Grayson!" Drake declared, snapping his fingers. "Your name is Grayson." Grayson nodded. So Drake did know his name. Drake glanced around them, his expression odd. "What is it?" Grayson asked. Drake sighed. "Where in Collin's name am I?" Grayson blinked. "I...don't know." Drake shot Grayson a disbelieving look. "What do you mean?" Grayson tried to think back.... The last thing he remembered...."Eyes." Drake stared at Grayson. "Um, what?" Grayson looked up at Drake. "The last thing I remember....The only thing I remember, where two glowing white eyes staring at me." Drake took a step back. His expression was shocked. "Grayson..." Grayson looked at his newfound friend. "What?" Drake glanced behind him. "That's all I remember." He muttered. "Two white, soulless eyes staring at me through the fog....No, smoke." Drake glanced up. "It was smoke." Grayson sighed. "What happened to us?"

Drake sighed. "No clue. Probably not good, though." Grayson stared at Drake. "What? How do you know?" Drake frowned. "I don't know. I've got a bad feeling about this, though." Grayson nodded. "Yeah, i've got one too." Grayson knew something was wrong. He could feel it in his gut. Drake seemed plenty dangerous, but Grayson didn't think he was a threat. To him, anyway. To others, perhaps. Maybe Drake would be a good person to keep around. Somehow, Grayson trusted Drake. Didn't know why, but he did. Something was bugging him though. Drake had a white eye. Like whatever had grabbed him.... Drake stood, his expression odd. "What?" Grayson asked. Drake shook his head, as if he were trying to clear it. "I don't hear anything." Grayson stared at him. "Uh, ok..." Grayson didn't see what Drake found so strange. There were probably just no people near here. "I bet there are people around here somewhere." Grayson told Drake. Drake shook his head. "That's not what I mean, Grayson." Grayson tilted his head to one side, confused. Drake sighed, looking a tad annoyed. "Grayson, do you hear any birds? Or any wildlife at all?" Grayson blinked, realizing what Drake was getting at. "There is none." He muttered. Drake nodded. "Exactly." Grayson hesitated. "Drake?..." Drake looked at him. "Hmm?" He looked preoccupied. "Do you remember...anything? About where your from, or...." Drake blinked. "No, not really." He said, an odd look on his face. Grayson sighed. "I don't either." Drake closed his eyes. Grayson stared at him. "Um, what are you doing?" Drake sighed. "This world" Grayson took a step back. "I'm sorry, world?!" Drake nodded. "I don't think We're on Earth anymore." Grayson stared at him. "Then where are we?" He demanded, incredulous. "Mars?!?!" Drake shook his head. "I think we're inside a Dreamworld." Grayson shook his head. "I'm sorry, a what?" Drake looked Grayson dead in the eye. "A Dreamworld. I was trapped in one once....I think...." He turned away, muttering to himself. Grayson stared at him. "You were?" Drake hesitated. "I think so. I don't really remember, but.... This seems familiar. Even just being here with you. Then that title kinda just popped up in my head." Grayson fell silent. Just being there with him? "Drake." Grayson said. Drake turned to him. "What?" Grayson hesitated. "I think we knew each other before this." As soon as he said it, Grayson knew it must be true. The fact that he felt so at ease with Drake, even when every instinct tells him he should be afraid of the hybrid. The fact they know each other's names. It just...makes sense. Drake nodded thoughtfully. "I think so too." He said. Grayson sighed. "So we got that out of the way." Drake laughed. Grayson jumped. Drake looked pretty different when he laughed. Less....scary. Grayson found he liked Drake a lot more when he was laughing. "Come on, Drake." Grayson said, beckoning to the hybrid. "Let's see if we can find a town or something." Drake nodded. "Sure, man." It slipped out of the hybrid's mouth so easy, and Grayson got a sense of Deja-vu. Yeah, he definitely knew Drake. Grayson couldn't help it. He smiled. "Come on!" The Commander and The Mage disappeared into the foliage, unaware that they were being watched by another. "Why do they look so familiar?" The boy muttered, his blue-green eyes following their path through the undergrowth. "And why does seeing them make me feel so sad?"

DreamWorld: A Haunted+Bendy FanFicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon