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All passengers, please prepare for landing. Please plug in your seat belts.

I plugged in my seat belt as I felt myself slowly turning towards the ground. Once I'd unboarded my plane, I strolled over to the luggage collection point. I picked up my black suitcase and rucksack, and ran towards the pick up area.

She said it was a black Porsche - I scanned the parking lot for any black cars. Red, blue, silver, red, black, black. Shoot. I walked a little closer to the cars, and noticed a little Porsche symbol on the first one. The petite blonde woman inside waved at me and rolled down the window.
"(Y/N)? Is that you, honey?" She said, smiling.
"Yeah! It's so good to see you, mum."
"And you, sweetie. Put your luggage into the boot and hop in."

On the drive back, she asked me how I'd been. I explained how Dad had been hitting me, and she appeared horrified. I was glad that she was worried about me, and I couldn't wait to start my new life with her.

She quickly started to tell me all about her life as a celebrity make up artist - I could see she was talented from her make up. Me? I've never really been that much into make up. Sure, I cover up spots here and there, but nothing drastic. She told me all about her amazing boyfriend who buys her everything, about her penthouse with a pool, about all the photoshoots she does. She couldn't wait to make me into a model. I wasn't too sure about that, but I was pretty sure I wouldn't have a choice in the matter. Oh, well. I'm just gonna enjoy life - something I hadn't been able to do for a while.

Abused - Markiplier x Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now