Chapter 7

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Even though Alexander hated to tell Jefferson he just didn't know what it say he racked his hand throw his hair for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day. Lafayette told him Jefferson still didn't know so Alexander just nodded at him and closed his laptop to look at the Frenchman for directly and seriously.

“Mon Ami do you really wanna do this?” his accent laced in sympathy and worry.

“ matter how much of a ass Jefferson is he deserves to know” he drummed his fingers on the desk in a steady beat.

“Alexander someone else could” he said hopefully

“Nobody else knows, unless you would” he said suggestively.

He pursued his lips and that was awnser enough to Alexander

“Thought so” he give a weak smile “ is the day” it was near lunchtime and it was common knowledge amongst the office that Thomas Jefferson always eats in his office on Friday's because Friday's were always the busiest days of the week.

“Why not you come and get a drink with me and Herc after work?” he said kindly and Alex smirked.

“Haha suuure and be your third wheel?” Lafayette blushed a dark crimson at the other mans words and and looked away.

“Nonsense Mon Ami” Alexander laughed an actual, genuine laugh the first one in a long time since before even Eliza left him.

“Yeah, alright I will come” Lafayette grinned knowing how true Alexander's laugh was and how rare it was nowadays so he patted Alexander shoulder and gave a farewell and left. Alexander sighed and walked out if his office knowing this would go much easier if he just ripped off the band-aid and just did it, he ran over the plan in his head.

1.get there and don't leave

2.try and not get kicked out by virginain asshole

3.tell him

That's all he had for now so it would have to do and as he approached his destination the realization of what he was going to do set in on him. He was going to tell a man that was more than likely in love that his boyfriend had been cheating on him, probably break the news that would break his heart and finally he would probably drown himself in alcohol with Lafayette and Herculez to get this off his mind and sorely regret it in the mourning. He knocked on the door, swallowing the lump in his throat before he realized.

{Wait...why the fuck am I knocking?} he suddenly threw the door open and marched in and when he looked over his heart skipped a beat but he ignored it.

“Hamilton?” the southerner looked kinda hot. His jacket was off and on a wrack and he looked kinda sleepy and the top three buttons were undone, his hand was dug into his hair and frankly Alexander found it quite attractive, but he pushed it aside as he realized it was taking him a second more than needed to respond.

“Jefferson” he replied finally though it was more light then he wished and it seemed Jefferson caught it too cause his brow went up and he looked slightly taken aback.

“What do you want Hamilton?” he seemed to hiss as he finally caught himself.

“I..” he weighed his situation here, Jefferson was clearly swamped in work and it was Friday the busiest day for anyone who was anybody in the White House which reminded him of the mountain on his own desk but he pushed it away as he went back to thinking. Telling Jefferson about this would jam him up majorly..should he really do this now?

“What Hamilin, what? In case you haven't realised its fucking Friday and I am swamped and unlike you, I have important things to finish” oh how on a regular day he would glare daggers and strike back but it wasn't a regular day.

“Just shut up Jefferson I have something to tell you” the man got up and strode over within just a few strides and he hated how long his legs were because they made him the staggering 6’2 that made him tower over the smaller 5’7 male. Soon enough he was right in front of Alexander and he didn't look pleased and just then he saw how tired the male was and how stressed his deep brown eyes where they were like dark chocolate on valentines day but he once again shoved his thoughts aside.

“Then talk” he said in more of a growl then his normal mocking tone.

Could he really do this?

“Nevermind” he grunted and spun on his heel to walk away

He couldn't do this, not today.

“Bullshit!” a hand was on his shoulder and twisted him back around and he was faced with a annoyed Jefferson and personal space didn't seem to be a thing as they were now toe to toe thanks to Jefferson's sudden actions. “You wouldn't be here if it were nothing Hamilton” he said boardly “you never just come over here.” his stomach dropped because he knew Jefferson was right so he needed to think fast.

“Fuck off Jefferson it doesn't matter anymore” but it did, it just couldn't be handled at that moment.

“Bullshit” he repeated now annoyed but his eyes suddenly cleared like he just had a realization “does it have to do with you avoiding me like I have some virus?” well fuck, why did Jefferson have to be so fucking smart?

Wait...he didn't think that.

“Of course not” he eternally cringed at how fake he sounded.

“Hamilton just spit it out--” he was cut off by Alexander tearing away violently from the hold on his arm and running out the door and slamming the door behind him.

Damn did he need that drink with Lafayette and Herculez.


Hey Guys

I am personally proud of this chapter :) I have the next few planned out so the next chapter may or may not be soon so that's amazing.

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