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tae and jungkook had been hanging out a lot recently. Ever since jungkook decided to apoligize to him about what he did, he thought that maybe it would be good to return the favour and forgive him. They never realised how easily they could be caught. Well tae did.

The sun was sleeping. Slowly, Jungkook and Tae were beginning to feel tired. yawning constantly.

Jungkook had been round Taes almost all day. Them both laughing at the memories they had with the group. And they were still talking about still.

"Do you remember when Hoseok scared Jin making him hit Hoseok on the head with his bag," Jungkook said laughing.

Tae laughed with him. Looking each other in the eyes before tensely looking away.

"I missed those times," Tae says.

Jungkook goes quiet. looking upset that he even left. He never wanted to leave. He loved the hyungs so much it was almost unreal.

Tae looked at him. wondering what was wrong with the golden maknae.

"Hey. you okay?" Tae asks.

They were both sat on the bed in Taes room with music going on in the background. They both love music. Tae always thinks that Jungkooks voice sounds like a angel. He sometimes wishes he could sing. Jungkook often says he can.

Jungkook sits up dragging Tae with him.

"Would they ever let me back in Tae Tae?" He asks. His eyes tearing up from how much he misses them.

"What you want to come back!?" Tae says. A big smile appearing on his face.

The same smile went away really quickly. With the answer Jungkook said made him not so happy with the guys he was hanging out with.

"Well no I can't-"

"Why not?"

"First of all Jin hates me and so does all the rest of them. Second I would get kicked of the football team-"

"But would you rather the football team or your friends...?" Tae says firmly. knowing what the answer should be.

"Friends obviously. But its hard," Jungkook says looking down.



"Heyyyyy Tae. We know you have been feeling down lately but we decided to get you.....why is he here?"

Tae froze. Not knowing what to. All his friends had walked in seeing Jungkook and Tae talking.

They all looked shocked. Jimin walked in first not caring really at all, sitting next to Tae but away from Jungkook.

Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi were all still stood in the doorway. just looking disappointedly.

They were all waiting for someone to talk. Someone to start a conversation.

Tae thought that it would bring them together again. Imagining them all sitting together again and laughing like old times. But that may not ever happen.

You see, Jungkooks new friends have been bugging them for a while. Coming up to them at lunch calling them names. Throwing paper at them with horrible stuff in classrooms. It was getting on his nerves. But they needed to ignore it.

Jungkook got up suddenly leaving them all to look at what he was doing. Jin however remained to look away. But not in a bad way. In more of a I can't forgive you but want to kind of way.

Almost like he wanted to hug him. But couldn't because of what he did.

"I'm going to go." Jungkook says as he heads for the door.

Taes head follows his friends body as he walks out. Hoping for him to not go. But he walked out the door. Just like he expected him to.

Namjoon walks with the rest leading behind him. He sits down, pulling out the muffins him and Jin bought together.

"Why was he here Tae?" Namjoon says calmly.

"He was just-"

"Taking you away from us," Jin says ashamed. They all are sat on the bed. Waiting for Tae to explain.

"No. He wasn't taking me away from you guys. He was just-"

"Stealing you-"

"Apologising," Tae says. Upset that he just lied to his hyungs.

They all went silent for a minute. Then realised that he never said sorry to any of them.

"He just wanted to say sorry to you?" Hoseok says. Grabbing a muffin and taking one big bite.

Yoongi was sat by Jimin. They were going to head over to the park afterwards. Since they thought they could gaze at the stars.

Yes. Hoseok knows about it. The suspicion he has had later has got him wondering about Yoongi.

"Yeh. He was just here to say sorry," Tae goes on.

Jin looks up. Worried the little young boy would leave them for him. Worried that his feelings would get across.

Jin has always wondered about Tae and Jungkook. How they actually would be like when they are not around.

But he knows that they seem like a lot more than just friends. Their was a spark their. Even if they couldn't see it. Because they were blinded by the dumbness that is so called loves.

"Your not to see him again," Jin says. Leaving Tae to nod his head and turn away looking out the window.

He was hoping that they would all he friends again one day. And that he wouldn't have to hide that fact that he was hanging around with Jungkook.

After an hour or so, the hyungs decided to leave and head out the door.

"Come on Yoongi let's go look at the stars then," Jimin says grabbing his hand.

He turns to Hoseok to see if he was okay. With the nodding head of his boyfriend, him and Yoongi walked out the door.

"You okay Hoseok?" Jin asks. Tapping his back.

"Yeh. Just thinking about things. I'll be fine though-"


"Promise," he says walking out the door.

Namjoon follows on after him. Annoyed at Hoseok.

"Hoseok. We were supposed have at least one muffin each but you had to eat three didn't you. Pig," he says laughing and catching up.

Tae and Jin only remained. Tae was lying on his bed. Facing the ceiling. Jin sat down beside him. Softly. At peace.

"Tae, I know your hurting," Jin says. Looking at him like he was his own son.

"But you have to think about it. He's never going to choose between to good group of friends. He's not that bad of a person-"

"But he did. He chose them-"

"Not necessarily. You see. We technically got mad at him. And he chose not to come back because of us-"

"No that's not true," Tae says sitting up.

His eyes tearing slowly.

"It's just...listen. We are never going to get him back the same way. And it's more likely he would go with them again anyway," they both feel silent for a bit.

The silence wasn't awkward. It was more of an understanding silence. No one desperate to break it.

"Tae. I know that you feel...different to Jungko-"

Suddenly Jin is approached with a hug. A hurt Tae who just needed a friend to understand. However that's not why he was hugging him.

Tae was hugging his hyung because he felt bad that he was going to lie to him as much as possible. He never wanted to. But to be friends with both he had to.

They both sat there. Comforting each other. Making them feel like they were together again. Back from the starts.

To be continued...

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