Afterthoughts #2: Marissa Olivia Caminse

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Sigh... I really wished I could've been friends with Molchan from the beginning. I might have learned something more from him and be able to tutor him with his studies and struggles. Who knows, maybe he and I could've been best friends already! He might even be welcome to join in my circle of friends.

As I have said, I thought he was arrogant, but no... he's not. I never realized until Christmas time that he was a handy craftsman after all, humble at heart. I gotta say—he carved the best work out of the rest! Well, personally I prefer Vincent's work on mythology; kudos to him for winning third place, or second runner-up! But for Molchan's depiction, his was one of pure meaning... the dove of peace dominating the world, encouraging everyone to be united in love. That—is worthy of a precious place in the National Museum of Grand Crafts and Masterpieces.

Just that night of the competition... I never thought that he'd join this one. And it was a surprise, after all! This competition, The Golden Sculptor 2022, was unique in the aspect that is—the contestants had to be concealed first before recognition and uncovering. That concept—I find that totally unnatural—but it's interesting nonetheless.

Just that night he participated—when he unmasked in front of the camera, being the Golden Sculptor of 2022... I couldn't help but be surprised and impressed at the same time. He, despite having felt separated from us, had returned—stronger than ever. His smile, the crowd's applause, the enthusiasm of the host and the other contestants... oh dear, I couldn't imagine how much respect he deserved from them, more than from us! I, along with my friends, felt totally guilty, really! It was wrong of us to abandon him like that—treating him like trash just because of his flawed mental health!

Ugh, I hope you guys learned your lesson. Stop pouncing on crippled individuals! Don't judge a book by its cover, okay? Please look at him further.

And well? The following week, Molchan returned with his happy face turned on. It seemed like he decided not to be bothered with our antics anymore, choosing instead to smile and focus on his work. And well, we, as a class, firmly apologised to him and Sir Danilenko, complete with our tokens of amendment and letters of apology for the young lad. Molchan observed about, looking through our sincere apology... and—HE ACCEPTED OUR APOLOGY. Whew!

The Golden Sculptor, Molchan Miroshnichenko: AfterthoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now