Intruder in my bed

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I suddenly woke up in my bed feeling like I was being squeezed too tightly. Then,  I feel like somebody is breathing down my neck. My eyes widen in shock when I saw a man's figure sleeping peacefully beside me while one of his arms is hugging me on my waist. My eyes narrowed in anger. I can already feel a vein popping out of my head.
"Taehyung! " I shouted as loud as I could while pushing the said man out of my bed.
"Jin, what was that for? It's so early in the morning yet you are acting like a menopausal lady already." said the man while slowly getting up off the floor.
'Arghhh! I can't believe this guy. Really, how did he even became my bestfriend?  He's a pure nuisance. Tch. '
"Tae,  how many times do I have to tell you not to sleep in my bed?  This is my house, my bed,  not yours." I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I heard him mumbling before going out of my bedroom. I know where he's going. MY Kitchen. I sighed. This guy is hopeless. I doubt it if he even knows the meaning of the word 'privacy' and 'personal space'.

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