How it all begun PT. 2

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Jungkook, I met him when Taehyung brought me to the hotel's outdoor cafe. It was my first time in there so everything was really fascinating to me. Taehyung introduced me to everyone who was there at that time. I was politely greeting everyone when suddenly a commotion started somewhere. I heard shouting and people betting on whoever it is that were fighting. As I came to the fight scene I was shocked to see Taehyung and another tall, muscled guy punching each other. When I saw the other guy about to throw another powerful punch in Taehyung's direction my body move on it's own put myself in front of him. "Stop!
Everything felt like a slow motion. I saw his fist coming and I just closed my eyes waiting to feel the pain. But nothing did. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the other guy staring at my face in disbelief. "Are you stupid?!" he said. But before I could answer Taehyung pulled me towards himself while shaking me on my shoulder. "Seokjinnie! Are you stupid?!"
Wow! Whats with these people calling me stupid? That's when I noticed the sudden silence and the peoples wide eyes looking into my direction. What did I do now?
So that's what happened. Later that day I learned about the "are you stupid?!" thing. It was because the fight between Taehyung and Jungkook are always legendary, when they are in a fist fight they usually don't stop until they are beaten black and blue. The funnny thing is, they are actually best friends. After that I was introduced to the others. The sunshine-y Hoseok who won't stop clinging to me, and the tall, sophisticated and intelligent looking Namjoon, with his cute Dimpled smile. Jimin, the flirt with his charming personality and lastly Yoongi, the grumpy boss with the coldest personality. Though he was actually endearingly nice to me. I got close to them quickly, its like I've known them all my life. I can't even imagine life without them now.

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