(Chapter 15)(Amber leaves)

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(Chapter 15)(Amber leaves)

(Milo's p.o.v)

I was at home now putting groceries away. My phone was on the counter as I put the non perishables in the cabinets. I tossed the bread on top of the fridge. We kept it there so the dogs wouldn't get into it, they had been known to counter surf a few times. Unfortunately I missed my target and the loaf fell back down. I screamed a little scream and jumped out of the way. My phone started ringing, it was a video call. I slid the answer button across. "Hey whatcha up too dear?" Eric asked. "Nothing, put the groceries away, getting attacked by bread, you know the norm". I say. He laughed. "Sucks being short huh". He says. "Look not everyone can be six foot eleven." I say. "Six foot two actually". He says. "What's the difference". I say smirking and continuing to put things away. "Hey by the way, why the hell am I only seeing our ceiling?" He asked. "Because at the moment your on the counter". I say picking the phone up so he could see my face. "There's that perdy face". He says.

"Oh hey, look look look". I say excitedly. I showed him my belly. I was about to hit three months. I was so excieted. This was a mile stone for me. All my other pregnancies lasted only a month or a few weeks before they all ended in miscarriage.

"I see that.""I'll be home in a week". He says. "I thought you had two more." I say. "Big hurricane coming in, we had to reschedule, don't want anyone hurt". He says. "Yeah, that's a good idea, cause if we know your fans they'll come see you come hell or high water". I say. "Yeah, but that's why I love em." He says.
"Dinner is gone be good when you get home I am cooking something special and it gone be off da chain." I say. He smirked. He always found it funny when I did my BG impression. Amber came into the kitchen. She was dressed like she was going somewhere. "You want me to stay on, or you gonna be alright"  Eric asked, making sure I'd be okay if he hung up, leaving me to deal with Amber on my own. "I'll be alright, call ya back soon". I say. "Okay". He says. "I love you". I say. "I love you too sweetheart". He says and ends the video call. 

"I'm going to Brantley's. I've heard what you said to Dierks, and I'm sorry if I caused you so much distress." She says. She truly looked sorry for what had happened between the two of us. "Yeah I think that would be best". I say. "Yeah, B sent me the code to get in  the gate so I'll go"."I packed last night after I thought long and hard over it. I'm sorry if I caused Eric to get angry". She says. "Well he wasn't thrilled about it". I respond. "Before I leave, I think you should know that you've helped me alot, taught me do much." She says leaving and closing the door behind her. I stood there feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Well sweetheart, we're safe now". I say patting my belly.

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