Edward Elric x Dying Reader (Request)

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   Every doctor gave Edward the same answer... They could not cure you. He tried to argue with them, that they should try harder, but they would just say "I'm sorry." and walk away. He was finally starting to realize they were right to, considering you were falling ill to the same sickness his mother contracted. By the look on your face and how tired you had been lately told him that it was time... And it saddened him more than anything. Why does he have to witness this once more?

   It was a humid July night, 9:37 PM, that Edward died with his beloved...

   "Edward... Please *cough*... come here." You managed to say. He was at your bed side within a second. You attempted to left your weak hand to hold his, but he ended up doing so with yours.

   His voice was shaken, "W-What is it (F/N)? A-Anything thing you need, I-I'll get it for you, alright?." His face was plastered with fear and concern.

   You gave a meak smile and said with a raspy voice, "Not this time Edward... I think it's my time now... my time *heavy breath* to leave."

   His face was horrified and he held your hand slightly tighter. "(F/N), please hang in there a little longer, o-okay? I-I know we'll find a cure- I can feel it!"

   You shook your head slowly, but continued, "Thank you Edward. I know you *cough* tried *cough* *cough* very hard to find a cure, but lets just face the facts..." You got very tired all of a sudden. "There is no cure to be found." You started to slip away.

   "No! (F/N), please just bare with me a little while long--"

   You cut him of, "Edward... please listen." You took your final breath and whispered your last words, "I'll see you later, okay? I... love..." but you didn't get finish because you had already past on. Your grip died in his hand.

   He shook his head, "No! No no no, (F/N)!" He held your soulless body tightly and began crying like he never cried before... He didn't get to say he loved you.


       It was a humid July night, 9:37 PM, that Edward died with his beloved. For when she died, his life went with her.




Edward Elric x Dying Reader (Request)Where stories live. Discover now