High School

37 5 3

(Cas POV)

August 25th, 2018

Ah, high school. The best and worse four years of our lives. Today is the first day of a new start...with the same people- and all the problems they bring. My biggest reason for absolutely hating the people from middle school is because they think being gay or something like that is wrong. It just bothers me how people think its okay to judge people for who they love.

7:45 am

I was sitting in the passenger seat of a white Honda Civic, my two brothers Gabriel and Micheal in the backseat. They were older than me by a few years and it was their last year, but, it being my first day they all decided (including my dad) that i should sit in the front seat, and be the first one out of the car.

As we pulled up, I said my goodbyes, hastily stepping out of the car and closing the door, my dress shoes rubbing ahgainst the rough concrete, the black slacks fitting perfectly on me, but the white button up a little too loose. I walked inside, trying to find my locker, noticig everyone was dressed completely opposite of me.

If I could describe in one word how I'm feeling right now it would be queasy.


I nervously stepped into the small, sharpie smelling classroom with a small old woman at her desk.

"Excuse me..." I paused, trying to think of what to say. "I dont know if I'm in the correct classroom or not." I handed her my schedule and she nodded, "Take a seat by Mr.Winchester over there."

She pointed to the back of the classroom at a jockish looking boy, with light brown hair and fit figure. I could feel my face heat up when he looked up at me.

I walked to the seat next to him, and asked calmly, "Can I sit here?"

In my head I was mentally kicking myself. Can I sit here? I didn't need to ask. I was also doing the mental equlivant of blushing.

"Yeah, it's not my problem." I was certaim that he was laughing at me inwardly, and I slowly sat down, pulling out my binder and book for the class.

12:40 pm

It was finally lunchtime. The scariest part of my day so far. Gabe always told me that the cliches of high school weren't real, but so far that seemed to be a lie.

The cafeteria was set up exactly how one might expect. Goths at one table, jocks at the other..and that light haired boy. I shook my trying to get rid of the thought- it was off topic. Ah, my people. The ones who highly enjoy reading shakespeare.

I head toward the back table when a hand grabbed my arm, causing me to stop and look at the perso- oh dear lord he's better looking up close.

He spoke smoothly, a small smirk on his lips. "Hey, I didn't catch your name earlier."

"I didn't throw it," I replied without thought. My opinion of him decreased when he threw the comment out. I yanked my arm out of his grip.

His cheeks darkened, clearly not expecting to be rejected. He turned away and muttered under his breath, "All right then."

I walked away, feeling some regret, but not enough to go back and say something.

After School

Finally, the bell had rung, and I was able to escape this hell hole. I hurried to my locker, throwing my notebooks in, and grabbed my coat from within.

The wind was whriling, throwing leaves into the air, and the sky was dark. It cast an ominous feeling into the air. It was unpleasent to think that this early in Septmember the weather was already a mess.

As I walked down the road to where I was planning to meet my dad, I reflected on the kid I meet this morning. Alone, I allowed myself to smile as I thought about it. The smile slipped off my face as I remembered the events from the lunch. Was that normal behavior? Were my actions the inapportiate ones?

A black muscle car pulled up next to me. I glanced at it, trying to see who was in the car, trying to see if it was someone I knew.

  "Hey," a male voice called. "Why don't you come over to my place? I have pie."

"My family is expecting me," I called back, walking faster despite myself.

The car kept up with ease. "Come on."
The owner of the voice rolled his window all the way down and I slowly turned to see who it was.

It was that stupid blonde boy.


Chapters will be short at parts, feedback is needed and would be greatly appreciated. I'm open to suggestions. Constructive commentary needed

813 words

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