Episode One: The Wormhole (Part one)

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Ghost Roaster shivered due to the cold and out of the shear terror of what he was doing as he used a rusty old shovel to throw the last pile of dirt across the man's lifeless face, covering the body completely. Grim Creeper and Rattle Shake on the other hand seemed to be completely okay with what was going on, for they had done this countless times before.

"Oh Elemental, why did we do this?" Ghost Roaster said in a more than worried tone as he ran his hand across his skeletal head as if he still had hair.

Grim Creeper chuckled from behind him. Ghost Roaster had come to know that laugh like the back of his hand. It sounded like every cartoon villain laugh you've ever heard mashed together into one comedic yet intimidating sound.

"It's because...death is my business and business is good" Grim Creeper stated

Ghost Roaster let out a sigh along with a roll of his yellow and orange eyes.

"Death is YOUR business, not mine. YOU'RE a reaper, I'm just a ghoul" Ghost Roaster sighed.

Grim Creeper shrugged.

"Also hat qtuote is completely unrelated to what we're doing right now. I'm pretty sure you just said it because you wanted your first line yo be a Creature Feature quote" Ghost Roaster continued.

Rattle Shake peered over Ghost Roaster's shoulder, causing his shadow to look above the ghoul.

"You missed a spot" Rattle Shake hissed as he pointed a long boney finger and the single strand of hair from the dead man's head that reached up through the dirt like a blade of grass.

Ghost Roaster snorted in annoyance and gave the snake-like sharpshooter an angered look before dumping an extra pile of dirt onto the strand of ash brown hair.

Ghost Roaster turned to face his teammates. This was when his realised just how late it was getting. It was already dark enough for Grim Creeper's soft blue glow to start showing.

"Never speak of this again" he commanded.

Grim Creeper smiled and nodded. Rattle Shake stayed perfectly still, but after around 5 seconds he gave Ghost Roaster a quick and barely noticeable nod of his head.

"Grim. Knowing you, as soon as we get back to the mansion you're probably going to tell someone. But I swear to The Elementals that if you even open your mouth to tell someone what we did tonight, you will deeply regret it" Ghost Roaster threatened.

"Of CORPSE I won't tell anyone!" Grim Creeper joked.

Ghost Roaster sighed. It never failed to amaze him that Grim Creeper was able to make a pun or stupid joke in just about any situation. At first he found it rather impressive, but he soon found out that Grim Creeper had been stealing the jokes the internet and telling them as if they were his.

Rattle Shake began to slither away without saying a word.

"Hey! Wait up!" Grim Creeper cried as he grabbed Ghost Roaster by the arm and dragged him along as he ran ahead of Rattle Shake.

"I shall light the way for you, my undead brethren!" he said ambitiously as his blue glow pierced through the shadows of night.

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