Part 2- The Plan

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The bell rang to dismiss everyone from school. Marinette and Alya walked out of the school together, talking about Adrien of course.

"You should just tell him." Alya told Marinette for what seemed like the hundredth time. "Who knows, maybe he likes you too."

"Alya, you know I cant. I just get so nervous around him."

"Hey guys!"

"Oh, hey Adrien!" Alya said surprised.

"Uh h-hey A-a-adrien. What b-bring here you, I-I mean What y-you bring, I mean..." Marinette was cut off by Adrien laughing. She looked down, embarrassed a little.

"Dont be embarrassed Marinette. I just came to see if you were ok after what Chole did."

"Oh, yep! I had a pair of extra shoes in my locker." As soon as Marinette finished her sentence, Adriens bodyguard pulled up in front of the school.

"Well, I'll see you later. Bye guys!" Adrien said turning around to the limo. As he drove off Marinette noticed Alya giving her a strange look.

"What?" Marinette asked.

"Do you realize you just said a complete sentence to Adrien without studdering?" Marinette stood there looking confused.

"You're right!" Marinette squealed. She couldnt believe she did it.

"Oh looks like my rides here." Alya said. "Do you want a ride home Mari?"

"No thanks, I'm going to walk home."

"Ok suit yourself." Alya waved goodbye to Marinette as she drove off on the streets of Paris. Marinette turned the other direction and walked towards the bakery.

"Marinette!" Someone cried from behind her. It was Sabrina. "Marinette, can you come with me for a second." Being naive, Marinette agreed and followed her.

"Where are we go-..."

"Shhh!" Sabrina interrupted. "You will see."

They walked down roads Marinette didn't even reconize. They came across an alley that was abandoned.

"Mari, im sorry." Sabrina sadly told her.

"What do you m-" Marinette started. She felt a pain on the pain of her head. She let out a small cry before meeting the concrete.

Authors note:
Hey guys. I decided that i left off at a bad part. So i wanted to give you a little more detail. Should i continue?Let me know. Love you guys!

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