Chapter I

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A Certain Playboy

  Amelie's POV
 I'm finally turning 18 this year in a matter of weeks. As a dedicated model student, I have no time for parties. Studying in Aunt Ellen's prestige school has been such an honor to me. My parents had no need to pay for my tuition, as I have gained scholarship for all my five years of studying here. In a year, I will graduate from this school. I will finally be able to experience freedom!

I looked at my amethyst Bench wristwatch, it was 8:25. I rushed to my locker, decorated with heart asked flower cutouts, only to be greeted by a childish playboy surrounded by big melon brunettes.

"Excuse me." I mildly interrupted their kissing session. They didn't seem to care.

"Excuse. Me." I demanded in a raised voice. The girls seemed to have moved, but the playboy has not. He was leaning on the dented locker beside mine. His gaze was locked on my neck. Mildly disturbing.

"Hello beautiful." He purred. He leaned his face closer to my shoulder. I shrugged him off.

"Good day and goodbye." I snapped.

He was the most agitating boy in this school. Mio Lumentia. A typical rich, playboy type of male. His unkempt hair was a mixture of dirty blonde and chestnut. His shoulders broad, muscles slightly obvious. His posture, however, was disgusting. He would slouch wherever and whenever. He was the infamous playboy. Everyday he would kiss several women, usually brunettes since they were a common catch in this school. He wouldn't care, as long as it was a woman he was kissing.

Two minutes before bell, I entered the bathroom. I looked at my reflection from the mirror. A girl with short, slightly curled peach hair, wearing fake glasses and a wig to avoid contact with as much people as I can. A conservative nerd, as I have been called. I wore the school's uniform - long-sleeved white vest, a red necktie tucked between the vest and the inner shirt, and a black inner shirt. My skirt, however, was beyond dress code. For a normal length, the skirts were to be knee-length, but mine? Oooh, it was all the way to my ankles, just so I could hide a certain scar. Though I do admit, long skirts are agitating.

After cleaning my fake glasses and arranging my necktie, the school bell rang. I hurried to my designated classroom, fixed my skirt to sit down, and brought out my English Lit. books.


4:05 pm

Classes were over and I was free to return home. I contacted my personal driver, Eric, in order to tell him to pick me up. After 5 minutes, Eric replied.

Madam Amelie, an emergency has come up and I cannot pick you up today, please forgive me and bear with walking home.

Argh, Eric! Great. How am I supposed to walk and get home before 4:30? My parents will scold me for walking!Then, I heard familiar giggling in the background. Mio. He was kissing another set of women, blondes. I shot a glare at him, he catches it.

"Hello, Miss Amelie." He greeted with a grin. Mischievous child.

"Oh. I'm busy, but thank you for the greeting. Goodbye, Mister Lumentia." I waved while forcing a smile.

I ran home as quick as I could. I managed to make it home three minutes past the allotted time for me. I checked my black school shoes for any smudges of mud or dirt. Yikes, I need new shoes soon.

I checked the rooms looking for my parents, instead, I found a note on the glass dining table.

Amelie, we trust you will finish your work today. Your father and I will be out for a month for a business trip. You'll be alone in the house with the son of our most trusted worker, Miss Lia Lumentia. While we're gone, don't do any disturbing things with your temporary babysitter. He should be there by tomorrow.

I am not a baby anymore, mom! Second, Miss Lumentia?! There is no other Lumentia around the capital with the last name! I will be stuck with that childish playboy as my caretaker?! I would rather spend the month in Aunt Rea's place.

I cleaned up the rooms and locked every other bedroom besides mine and the guest bedroom. I arranged the couches, the television, everything in the house, just so I know if something went missing.

I went into my room and saw my favorite anime playing on the tablet. I must have left it on by mistake. While I was watching, a sudden thought came into mind. Since I'm alone, that means I can do things I couldn't do when my parents were around..

Pillow fort! Oh the glory of sweet puffy pillows all stacked and balanced to create the perfect pillow home.

After creating the pillow fort, I continued watching the sixth episode of Anohana. I heard about how sad the anime is, so I watched it to prove it. I could feel so much emotion in the anime, so I just continued watching it while eating some peanut butter sandwiches and Coke as the drink.


6:06 pm

What time is it.. Jeez, I fell asleep. I looked at the clock and it read "6:06 PM." I stood up and lazily went to the balcony for some fresh air. Before going to the balcony, I cleaned the mess I made, got everything ready for school tomorrow, and grabbed some iced chocolate drink. When I got to the balcony, I saw a blurry vision of a boy. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, and I ignored what I thought I saw. I gazed at the night sky romantically, appreciating the stars that were scattered across. The cold evening wind blew against my curly, short peach hair. I drank the iced chocolate drink contained in a decorated mug and had text written on it saying, "Free yourself." When I finished half of the chocolate drink, I saw milkweed seeds fly and guided by the wind. I sneezed twice until I heard a familiar voice say, "Bless you."

I turned and looked behind me. Oh no no no, this can't be happening! The boy who I hated so much has stepped into our home. He was wearing such a big grin, his hair unkempt, and his 3 piercings on each ear. I couldn't believe what I saw. It was Mio. Mio Lumentia.

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