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❛ chapter nineteen!

nineteen | i'd love to change the world—jetta

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nineteen | i'd love to change the world—jetta

     I had anticipated this moment. I knew this was going to go down since the moment Abra Kadabra walked into the room. I had felt my hands curling into fists and my nails digging into my palms, I was sure that if I put a little extra effort I'd start bleeding. The power dampening cuffs around his wrists as Gypsy escorted him into the sorrow filled breach room indicated we had won—technically. I had stood beside Iris and I guess she'd sensed my change of demeanour, for she hurried to link her arm with mine as an attempt to keep me grounded and it worked, for a couple of minutes at least. I had anticipated this moment, however, the others didn't and were beyond surprised when I grabbed the magician by the collar and smashed him against the floor.

       My eyes remain trained on him, like a predator to its prey. I can feel his quick pulse on his aorta, for I have my hands circled around his neck while Gypsy orders me to get off the man again. I look up at her and see that she's ready to vibe-blast at me but I'm deaf to her words anyway and blinded by rage. The man under my hands shoots me a smile and I feel the need to slap it off of his face. I hear Cisco and Barry calling my name and telling me to let him go. That's not happening.

       Kadabra knows who Savitar is, he knows everything, the magician has the answer to the million dollar question and yet we're letting Gypsy take him away for his execution without telling us a single word about it—which has my blood boiling. Nobody seems to be upset like I am, everyone looks like they've given up instead. The silver headed man grunts under my grip. I can't help glaring at Gypsy, for she's literally the one stopping us to keep him here until he confesses, his execution can wait, she's the one hellbent on taking him to his death as soon as possible as her personal vendetta for killing her partner. I know what that feels like, like hell I do, but we can save a life tonight and she won't let us.

       I'm at the edge of grabbing this moron and drag him all over Central City to get the answer out of him but Barry is trying to talk some sense to me while approaching cautiously as if he's approaching to a wild animal. All I can think of is that they're actually letting him go. Listening to Barry's little speech on how the silver headed man won't tell me anything and that I should calm down won't work.

       "Calm down?" I hiss, "Don't tell me to calm down, you know this is the only way. We can't just let him go, we can't let the answer slip through our fingers just like this!"

        "Violett, you heard him, he's not gonna tell us anything," Barry tells me again as he moves to my side, his gloved hands grabbing me gently by the shoulders.

        "No, Barry. He won't if you beg and ask nicely," I blurt, pointing out his exact actions, my hand circling tightly around the man's neck while the other starts balling into a fist, ready to swing at the man's face. Barry's hand wraps around it but I ignore it, my fist remains up and itching to make contact with the man's face, "I don't care if I have to drag him all over Central City to get an answer. I don't care if I have to beat this idiot to a bloody pulp to get it. He has it, we just have to get it out. You know I'm right!"

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