war with him is worse than with her

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      My first thought was to call Sara but then I remembered that we were in a fight so I would have to slove thing myself. Dustin texted me and I had no idea if I should answer or not. I did the first thing I said was why are you cheating on me. He said that he wasn't and I said that is you cannot tell me the truth then we are over.

     When I got to the mall I saw him flirting with Makayla . I ran up to him and told him that we were over. I started running away and he was chasing me saying its not what it looks like . I just ignored him. he kept texting and calling but I ignored him. I kept thinking that if I hadn't said yes none of this would have happened.

    he sat right next to me and tried to explain." I told you a million times we are over. You just used me and I dont like that so just leave me alone!"

" Just listen to me . Makayla was the one that put that note in your room. She wanted you to think that while she was flirting with me  and that I liked it. We have nothing together. " Dustin said

" Fine you have one last chance . If you screw this up we are done for good OK!" Well after he started to text me .

      K for Keilani            D for Dustin

D- Hey do you want to hang out after school tomorrow?

K- Maybe

D- Are you still mad about the thing ? I told u she means nothing to me.

K- I know what are we going to do ?

D- Go to the creek or see a movie which ever is fine wit u

K- Let's go see a movie . How about The Fault In Our Stars?


K- See you tomorrow

D- I will be counting the minutes!

K- Me to

   I woke up to this really loud noise and I realized it was my alarm clock. I was so excited. My first date ! I had to decide on what to wear, then I will tell my mom im going out with some friends . I got up and my mom asked me if I was hungry I told her starving! She asked why I was so happy but I just said I'm not.

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