Insomnia (Yoongi x reader)

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"Hyung, wait! Where are you going?" Jungkook whines, trying to clamber out of Taehyung's grip around his waist.

"Out." Yoongi replies, slamming his studio door closed behind him and walking towards the elevator.

"But it's 2am," Jungkook mumbles, staring at the closed door.
"Kookie shush, I'm sleeping," Taehyung grumbles, snuggling into Jungkook's side on the studio couch.

"Tae, I think we annoyed him," Jungkook pouts at the sleeping boy. Taehyung sighs loudly and pats Jungkook's knee half-heartedly.
"He's fine, now let me sleep."


Yoongi shoves his hat and jacket on just before he leaves and wraps his black mask around his face. It may be 2am but he's always cautious incase a fan spots him.

He just had the perfect lyrics when Jungkook and Taehyung had barged in on him, demanding he go to sleep, and now he's forgotten them. So he's striding to the small convenience store down the street to grab some coffee so he can keep awake and finish the lyrics.

The convenience store is handy and there's usually an old guy working there that just smiles as he walks in. Never bothering him or asking why he's always awake at peculiar times. He's always thankful for that.

However this time when he walks in and the bell above the door jingles, he's surprised to hear a voice welcoming him.

"Evening," you welcome the customer, wanting to give them a smile but too busy moving boxes into the small storage room behind the counter.

Yoongi stares at you. Your hands are small and unwrinkled and your hair is all over the place, parts curly, parts not. You're wearing the same design of shirt the old man wears when he works here and there's a name tag attached to it: Y/N.

He sighs, taking down his mask before turning to walk towards the drinks department and pulls out a sealed coffee cup containing the coffee granules before walking to the counter, waiting for you.

The boxes are empty, yes, but you've got no sense of balance and it's worse when you're tired. So as soon as you push open the storage door you're already falling face first (or maybe boxes first) in.

Crash! Clang- clang! Ting! Clang!

There must be the entire rooms contents over you now. Brooms and mops, flour, sugar, seeds and nuts, tampons, socks, crisps, biscuits and more and it must be the fifth time you've said it tonight but you really don't like this job.

"Ahem," Yoongi clears his throat, still waiting for you to hurry up and let him pay so he can make his coffee and leave.
"Just a second," you sing optimistically, but you're definitely not feeling very optimistic at the moment.

You look around to search for a way to help yourself up and then place your hands against the floor to lever you off the ground, but instead your right hand squishes down onto a tube of super glue. The pressure squeezing out the glue all over your fingers.

"For gods sake," you grumble, trying to shake the glue off.

Now with your other hand you reach for the shelf above you.
"Ah, I wouldn't-" Yoongi tries to intercept, watching you pull yourself up by the almost empty shelf, but you're not listening, thinking he's just getting annoyed because you won't hurry up.

"Just a minut-!" You shout to your customer, until the hinges of the shelf shift and you plonk back down onto the ground with a thud. You think this couldn't be worse but then you look up.

Surprisingly the shelf hadn't completely cleared itself onto you yet but now it has. The paint pot flying down in between your legs and once it lands, the paint bursts out from the loose lid and all over you.

Yep. You definitely hate this job.

Yoongi snickers once you manage to climb out. Your hair is even more of a mess, but now with bits of light green paint highlighting it and flour. Your clothes are drenched in the same paint and there are drops of paint and flour on your face too. Frankly, you're an absolute tip.

"How can I help you sir?" you force a smile, pretending everything was fine and under control and Yoongi can't hold back his smile when he watches you.

"Just this please," he hands you the cup, sucking on his lips to try to hide his smile.

You glare at his slightly curved lips and take his cup from him to type in the barcode.
"That's 2$ please," you say, reaching out with your other hand to accept the money whilst placing the cup on the counter for him.

There's a problem now.

He hands you the dollars but you don't take notice, too busy trying to shake his coffee out of your hand. It seems your hand is glued to the cup.

Now Yoongi can't hold it back and his mouth curls back into the biggest smile, showing off his gums and he laughs. He laughs so hard it hurts his stomach.

"Stop laughing," you whine, using your other hand to try to separate the cup. But Yoongi doesn't stop. Every time he tries to he just looks back at your dishevelled appearance and the cup stuck to your hand and he's off again.

"I'm sorry," he chuckles, leaning his head onto his arm on the counter, finally calming down.

When he does calm down he grips onto the cup and then looks at your face, his smile appearing again with your irritation.
"You ready?" he grins, tugging the cup slightly.
"Do it." You say, squinting your eyes and he peels off the cup easily.

You look down at your hand and find bits of the coffee cup still attached but at least your skin is still there.

"You should probably run that under some warm water to get the glue off," Yoongi says, still smiling slightly.

Your cheeks are slightly warm now when you look at him. His smile is cute and it almost makes you want to smile too.

As soon as you realise you're stating at him he turns away, unsealing the cup to fill with hot water and stir it.

"There's milk in the fridge below," you point and he smiles back at you with a nod.

Once he finishes and his cup is ready he heads to the door.
"Good luck with the rest of your shift," he grins back and you chuckle.
"Yeah thanks," you reply sarcastically, shaking your head, catching sight of the chaotic storage room behind you.

"Have a nice evening," you smile as he opens the door.

"It's morning, not evening," he corrects and just as he leaves he asks something. "Are you working here every night?"

"Every night except Saturday and Sunday," you answer, "might as well as I have  insomnia."

"Cool," he mutters to himself then back to you, "I'll see you soon then."
"Can't wait," you say sarcastically, smirking as he rolls his eyes.
"Neither can I," he smirks, walking out but as he does he says one last thing. "Thanks for helping me remember, Y/N."

And you can't help but wonder what you helped him remember.. or what his name is, but it looks like you'll have to wait until you see him again to ask him that.

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