Part 1 -At the hospital

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            "How could you, Sandra? I come home from work and you're on the phone, like always, and my daughter, my only daughter is on the floor, bleeding out of her head!" I know that voice…I thought to myself, it was my fathers, Daniel Russell.

            "I'm sorry! I didn't even know she was in the bathroom, I thought she was taking a nap in her room. I was on the phone talking about serious matters for work," said a feminine voice. Again, I recognized her voice instantly, it was my oblivious mother. Glad to know she wasn't on the phone…this time.

             The slits of my eyes opened slightly, my vision blurry and instantly, a pounding force came through my head. I felt like I got hit by a brick many times, or even worse, a truck. I felt something tight around my head. "What is this?" I uttered quietly. I got my parents attention.

            "Oh, honey! You're awake" my mom replied, hugging me tightly, almost like a boa constrictor. I knew I was being dramatic but from where I am, because of her, I just wasn't in the mood to reciprocate the hug. 

            I squirmed letting out a painful grunt indicating she was hugging me too tightly. She realized I was in pain and quickly let go.

            "Sorry honey." She said worriedly.

            "Where am I?" I asked, but I already knew where I was. Looking left and right, based on the machinery and cold white walls and floor tiles, I was in a hospital room. I hate hospitals; I've hated them ever since my uncle Mike passed away in one, from the aggressive pancreatic cancer.

            "You're in the hospital. When I came home from work, I came upstairs and saw you passed out, blood around your head and I raced you to the hospital. I had to run 3 red-lights and probably broke a few more rules on the way here." My dad replied.

            There was a strange, sudden vibe in the room. They aren't telling me something, something I should know. Oh god, what if the doctors found a cancerous tumor when they checked my head out? The moment of silence was killing me, I had to ask.

            "What?" I said, looking at both their faces.

            "Sweetheart… you have a mild concussion. You're going to be here for about a week" They said in unison.

            Great, I thought to myself. Here I am, in the hospital, my head stitched up and wrapped in white gauze and they tell me I have a concussion. I just graduated from high school, my summer just started, and I am forced to be in this cold, sterile room for a week. I sighed. This couldn't get any better.

            "Don't worry sweetheart, one of us will be here at all times. You'll never be alone." My dad replied sweetly and reassuringly.  

            "Um, honey, I can't stay, I have work and I have a lot of things to do there. I can't just leave." My mom whispered to my father. I heard and I was disbelieved. My own mother didn't want to stay with me; apparently her work is much more important than the health of her daughter, her only daughter.

            "I can't believe you mom, you didn't listen to me when I called for your name, twice, and now you don’t even want to stay with me while I recover." I replied quickly, with disbelief.

            "Honey... It's not like that, I can't stay, I'm sorry but I need to work."

            "Okay. Fine. Go to your work, it seems like they need more attention and care than I do. I guess parenting isn't exactly your cup of tea. But okay fine, go ahead. Dad will just stay by my side, like he ALWAYS has."I replied to her heartless statement.

            Stricken by her reply, I looked away; I couldn't look her in the eyes. I feel like I lost my mother to this robot who doesn't take in feelings from others and only cares about her and her achievements.  When will this end? I just want my mother back.

            "Ana-Belle Mae Russell! Do not talk to me with that tone. Your father will help you if you need anything, I have to go now. A meeting is being delayed because of you and this whole ordeal. Now I've told you I'm sorry, and I have to go now." She replied bitterly.

            My father looked her with disgust and anger. "Sandra! Don't talk to my daughter that way! For the past 2 years, it seems that the only thing that is important to you is your stupid position at your job. Not once have you taken a vacation with us; you're hung up on your job 24/7. I'm done. I'll make this easier for you honey. We won't be in your life anymore, I want a divorce."

            My mouth dropped open. Wow, this is getting really intense now.  I would've never thought my dad had enough of my mother, I thought it was just me.

            "Mom, dad, please… just leave. I don't want to talk to anyone anymore." I replied helplessly. And that was that.


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