Chapter Two

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CALLIE QUICKLY CHECKED HER Fitbit. Great, I still have thirty-five minutes. Plenty of time todrop in to The Crazy Curl and make a hair appointment, grab a bite to eat and be back at The Treasure Trove before Jaxon Carter makes an appearance. She managed to squeeze her bright-yellow Suzuki Swift into a tight spot on the main street. Callie jumped out and made it inside The Crazy Curl before the warm mid-afternoon wind swept her free-flowing shirt up around her ears.

As usual, the place was a-buzz with clients. Chelsea was seated behind the counter, glasses perched on the edge of her nose, and her hot pink nails busy tapping the keyboard tiles. Callie's heart melted. A warm desire washed over her every time she visited the The Crazy Curl. The energy that hummed in the hair salon was addictive. She always left feeling happier than when she entered.

"Hi, Chelsea, is Stevie around?" Callie asked.

Chelsea looked up from her computer, her mouth open and ready to speak, when Stevie's voice yelled from the back room.

"Is that you, Callie?"

"Sure is."

"I'll be out in two secs," Stevie called.

Callie took a deep breath and flopped down on the gold chaise lounge in the foyer. She rubbed the persistent rumble in her empty stomach. Will you shut up? Making an appointment to get my hair cut in time for the wedding is more important than filling you up.

"So, are you excited?" Chelsea said, jumping into the spot next to her.

Taken aback, Callie's brow creased. "Excuse me?"

Chelsea rolled her eyes in an exasperated sigh. "The wedding, silly. It's so romantic, don't you think? Hope and Adam getting married at the Huka Falls in Lake Taupo."

Callie stifled a giggle that threatened to bubble over.

"It's one of the most beautiful lakes in the world," Chelsea sighed.

"Really? I wouldn't know, I've never been there." The wedding was the last thing occupying Callie's mind. She had to deal with Jaxon Carter and his plans for 'the future' first.

Callie shook the dreaded thoughts of Jaxon Carter from her head. "Of course, I'm excited." Hope befriended Callie on her first day in town. She smiled to herself, her heart bursting with love for her best friend. "I can't wait to see Hope again. I've missed her so much, especially since Katherine passed away."

"So, do you think there will be any single men at the wedding?" Chelsea smirked. "Because I just happen to be free this weekend and..."

Callie's eyes widened. Seriously, Chelsea, I am not here to find you a husband.

Stevie appeared from the back room as if she'd just walked off a catwalk. "What can I do for you, Callie?"

Callie bolted upright, Chelsea's words fading from her memory as quickly as she'd spoken them. "I was hoping you could fit me in for my usual haircut sometime this week," she asked.

"Of course." Stevie scanned the computer. "Let me'm pretty booked out this week."

Callie's heart sank. "Really?"

"How do you feel about popping down after work tomorrow?" Stevie asked.

"That would be perfect," Callie said with a smile. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem." Stevie said.

Callie's heart melted as Stevie's warm smile washed over her.


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