Chapter Three

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HOW DARE HE? THE nerve of that man. Callie heart pounded inside her chest as she stormed toward the office. She'd never met anyone so disrespectful and obnoxious in her entire life. Grumpy old Mr Hallsworth on Humbridgde Street looked like a saint, compared to the conceited Jaxon Carter. There wasn't a single part of her body that didn't want to slap him down a peg or two.

"Damn you," she muttered under her breath.

Callie's blood boiled at his rude assumption. What is wrong with me being in charge of the finances? Does he think I know nothing about running a business?

Callie sifted through the filing cabinet for the updated financial records. She huffed, frustrated by his arrogance. "I don't know what your plans are, Mr. Carter, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how well The Treasure Trove is doing financially."

Pulling the documents from the cabinet, she shouldered it shut, nicking the soft skin on the side of her arm in the process. "Ouch, damn it," she said, rubbing the beginnings of a reddened bruise.

Callie flopped down in her office chair, slapping the documents down flat on her desk. "That's it!" She paused, taking in a few deep breaths to steady her hammering pulse.

"You will not get the better of me, no matter what. I'll fight for this shop with my last breath." Callie stood tall, rolled her shoulders back and headed out to face the enemy with new-found purpose. Rounding the office door she stopped, frozen in her tracks. The sight of a gorgeous toned backside greeted her gaze. The pain in her arm was temporarily forgotten. His cargo pants pulled tights against his muscular derriere.

Stop it. Noticing his sexy tight arse is the last thing I should be doing. He's the enemy.

"Ah, um." She fake coughed, covering her mouth with her hand. His body shot upright quicker than a firecracker on New Year's Eve. Callie smiled, eyeing the frog doorbell in his hand. "Can I help you with something? Or do you like playing with frogs?"

"Who in their right mind has a frog for a doorbell?" he grunted. "Especially, one that has a stupid sound like this one."

Callie folded her arms across her chest, her knuckles white from gripping the documents so tight. It was either hold them tight or pitch them at his arrogant face. "Katherine, that's who."

"Oh," he said, in a softer voice.

Jaxon's brow creased as he examined the animal. "Well, it will have to go. There will be no frog doorbell in my shop."

His words stabbed Callie in the heart as sure as if he'd used a butcher's knife. " can't get rid of it," she gasped, horrified.

"Why the hell not? It's just a piece of junk."

"Junk!" Callie yelled. "It happened to be Katherine's and her favourite doorbell. She got it from a customer the first Christmas after she opened and she's had it ever since. She always said it reminded her of the stunning bush along the riverbank."

Callie's chest burned under his intense gaze, rooting her to the spot. He paused, his lips thinned, then strutted toward her.

No, stop right there, Mr. Butter Wouldn't Melt in Your Mouth. That's quite far enough. Keep that cute backside away from me.

Callie frowned as he held the frog out toward her. "Here, take it."

"Excuse me," she said.

He nodded, the frog within arm's reach. "Take it, otherwise it's going in the trash."

"You wouldn't." She dared him. Her gut churned at the smug look on his pretty, newly-shaven tanned face.

"Try me," he said sternly. "This is your last chance. If you want it, take it. I don't play games when it comes to business."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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