Chapter 1

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Hello my name Kage Williams. I'm 14 in my first year of high school. I'm a normal troubled kid with much experience in the martial arts. I feel outta place and useless because my family is opposite from me while half my friends are fake. My story starts two years back when I meet the boy that changed my life forever. Before I met him, I never thought I could feel any other emotions besides feeling anger,useless, and rejected. Back then, I had just turned 12 and I thought it'd be a great idea to go shopping. I walked to the mall and all I can could find were girly stores,I only got one dress(for when my mom makes me)and few dark blue jeans.while I was walking I came across the store Hot Topic.I was interested at the sight and walked in.It was awesome!so while I was there I picked out three MCR shirts,two FOB shirts,and three jeans with some jackets. After I left I went to buy two snickers and a pair of black flats to match my dress. I was on my way home around 7:30 pm. The sun was setting it was getting a little chilly. I saw a young boy running and two older boys chasing after him, but I shrugged it off thinking it was his brothers. After about 2 blocks I heard yelling and grunting from the alley way. I saw the two older boys beating the crap out the younger one. Just when I was gonna go get help a van pulls up and two more guys comes out to help beat him. So I dropped my comic con backpack (which had all my stuff in it) and jumped on a guy, kicking another. Two of the guys I hit started coming after me and I held my own for a while, but when another one joined I quickly got tired and thrown in to join the other boy. The we're kicking the living crap outta us, I looked over and the boy was looking worst by the second, so I quickly crawled over and covered my body with his. After what seemed like forever the boys stopped and left in the van. The young boy I was covering was barely breathing and I was getting scared. I slowly crawled over to get my phone from my backpack, and dialed for the police. I went back to the young boy and stayed with him until the authorities came. Two ambulances showed up soon after and I was being strapped up. I slowly started to see darkness but before I went out, I heard the one name I would never forget, 'Michael.'

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