The heartbreak

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                                                                   Victoria P.O.V

Tonight was Jun 2nd. Which is also Monday Night Raw, I have actually been going out for there matches. Everyone knows who I am. Tonight they had a promo. We were heading to the rings. They said wear something nice, but easy to get over a barrier with. Colby seems to be alittle distant lately. Me and Carson have gotten alot closer lately. Me and Carson was in catering talking. "So, you going out there tonight?" Carson asked taking a sip of his water. "Yup! Kinda excited." I said. "Cool, becareful though." He said. "I am always careful!" I said. "Mhmm." He said with a smile. I just laughed and told him I have to get ready. It's been five months since the guys adopted me and I love every single one of them. I decided to go with a black top with dark blue skinnies with black pumps with a my hair in waves. "You look beautiful sunshine." Jon said. "Thanks Jonny." I said with a smile. We went down to the ring. Seth (since he is in the ring.) said something that got my attention "At the end, I was in a ring with a bunch of strangers." We all looked at him. We continued with our promo, that was until Randy and Hunter came out. He was talking, then Seth got out of the ring and got two steel chairs. We though nothing of it. "I always have a plan B." Was what I heard before I saw something that broke my heart into a trillion pieces. "Seth! What are you doing!?" I screamed at him in shock. I was outside the ring, I felt arms wrap around me and I saw Randy was holding me so I don't get involved. My heart was hurting so bad seeing someone I thought was my brother betray us, like what? He finished and Randy let go of me. He got in the ring and then started to beat on Roman. I felt arms that I know too well wrap around me. I was crying now, which wasen't good since I have asthma. "Shh." He said trying to calm me. They were finally done beating on my brothers, I got into the ring and went to check on Roman. I was in hysterics by the time the medics got down here. My heart has been broken by someone I thought was my brother.

                                                      Seth (Colby) P.O.V

It hurt seeing her upset this bad, she shouldn't be crying this hard with her asthma. I needed to do this though, I needed this for ME. We got out of the ring and went back up the ramp. Roman and Dean finally woke up. Victoria looked like she was about to pass out. Oh, what have I done.

                                                            Victoria P.O.V

Me,Jon, and Joe was in our secert place. I was in a middle of an asthma flair while Joe and Jon ran around looking for my breathing machine and my medicine. I was still crying some. I need to stop, he isn't worth it. They finally found it and hook everything up. They learned how to do it, so incase something bad happened or I needed one they would know how to do it. After my treatment I looked at the guys. You could see they were heartbroken. "Jon, Joe..." I said in a whisper. Both heads turned to me immediately. "Yes babygirl?" Joe said. He was trying not to explode right now. I get scared easily, and when he is mad ohh he is MAD. "W-why did C-colby do t-that." I said trying not to have a break down. "I don't know sunshine. I wish I knew." Jon said walking over to me and hugging me. That's the thing about Jon, he seems likes such a pshyco, but he is one of the biggest teddy bears around. Joe walked over and held my hand. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. Five freaking months! I got up and picked up my phone. "I'll be back." I said heading towards the door. "Princess where are you going?" Joe asked me. "To find Colby." I said walking out. I was walking and I walked into catering to see Colby the only person there I quietly grapped a water bottle and poured it on his head. He shot up and screamed. 'What the fu-" He was cut off when he saw me. "Tor-" I cut him off. "No, you don't get to call me Torie. You made that mistake when you turned your back on me. On Jon and Joe to! God, I was such an idiot. I actually thought you cared. I though you were going to be a big brother to me. Five fucking month Colby!" I yelled at him not care that I cussed. "Victoria I a-" He said. I cut him off with a slap. Then I walked out before he could see I was close to tears. My heart hurt so bad right now.

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