The first door

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She looked again at The Three Doors and wondered which one she should try first. She decided that the Strawfairy Red one looked bright and welcoming, so she chose that one first.

 She decided that the Strawfairy Red one looked bright and welcoming, so she chose that one first

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As soon as she opened the door her eyes lit up. She was surprised to see that she had left the dark forest and entered a beautiful garden. Giant flowers were everywhere; every flower that you could imagine and then some.
There were roses, lilies, tulips, mums, violets, petunias, and many more including some with indescribable colors that she had never seen before. Most flowers were the size of Blondie. Some even had faces, and Blondie thought she heard them whispering about her.

It was beautiful and everything smelled better than anything Blondie had smelled Ever After

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It was beautiful and everything smelled better than anything Blondie had smelled Ever After. She looked up and saw a beautiful blue sky with fluffy white clouds, a bright yellow sun and the biggest most amazingly visible rainbow that she had ever seen. Blondie started walking slowly, wondering what else this door had to offer. Maybe even the extremely rare flowering money tree, that has only been found on one exotic island and was thought to be the only one left.

Or the thought to be made up rainbow flower of wishes that granted one wish to each person lucky enough to find it

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Or the thought to be made up rainbow flower of wishes that granted one wish to each person lucky enough to find it.

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Blondie Lockes And The Three DoorsWhere stories live. Discover now