Chapter 4

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Ok so my camp has wifi but not cell reception... Weird but yay that means I can write!! Even though it's all on my iPod so again I apologize for spelling errors and such. Hope you guys like this chapter! Don't know how long it is but I hope it's longish (: okie dokes bye! xx Lindsay


Leah's POV

So the rest of the night was pretty uneventful. After I'd hung up with Liam I rejoined our parents who were no longer crying but instead had decided to begin watching X Factor without me. Not that I really cared, I already knew what happened. I sat with them in their suspense as they awaited the verdict of Liam's fate. I sat there in my own suspense of receiving a text from Liam which sadly, never came. I couldn't help but feel upset about him not texting me... After we rejoiced over Liam being put in a band, my mum and I left for the night. We all exchanged hugs, Karen promising to call and have us over again soon.

"I'm so proud of Liam." my mum gushed on the drive home.

"Yeah, me too." I said flatly. She sighed,

"You could at least pretend to be happy for him." she scolded.

"I AM happy for him. I've already expressed my proudness to him." I quipped, my irritation flaring. I crossed my arms across my chest and stared out the window.

"You miss him don't you?" she asked quietly, putting her hand on my thigh.

"Pshh no... Why would you think that?" I argued, moving my leg.

"Honey it's okay to miss him."

"Whatever, he left and didn't keep in touch, that's his decision. Why should I miss him if he doesn't miss me?" Hot tears were pricking at the back of my eyes. I sniffed and blinked them back, not wanting my mum to notice how much I was actually hurting inside.

"You know that's not true Leah. I'll bet you £15 he said he missed you when you talked to him today."

"He said it cuz he felt he had to." I muttered.

"Leah when are you going to realize that people will disappoint you sometimes, but you have to forgive them! He's at least making an effort."

"Whatever, are we done here?" I asked, getting out and slamming the car door behind me, sprinting to my bedroom before my mum could catch up with me. I locked my door and buried my face in my pillow, letting it soak up my tears. I'd always had a bit of a crush on Liam when we were kids and it had never been a problem, but I just didn't know why it was suddenly getting me so upset. I felt like he had abandoned me. Sure I could act happy over the phone, but in reality I was breaking. I eventually cried myself into a fitful sleep, the only person I dreamed of was him.

Liam's POV

"So what's her name again?"

"How do you guys know each other?"

"How long have you known her?"

"Did you used to date?"

"Is she hot?"

"Does she look good in a bikini?" The boys were spewing questions about Leah at me.

"Guys seriously, chill out." I sighed, covering my face with my hands.

"Not until we know all about this girl!" Harry shouted.

"Does she like carrots?" Louis asked.

"Pretty sure she does. Can I go now?"

"No! You haven't answered all our questions!" Harry shouted again.

"Whatever I just won't answer then." I retorted.

"Guys just let him go, I'm sure we'll meet her eventually." Niall sighed.

"Fineee." Louis complained.

"Thanks mate." I said petting Niall's head jokingly.

"No problem." I headed to our room, climbing up into my bunk.

"Shit." I cursed, remembering I was supposed to text Leah. My phone said it was 12:24 AM, she was probably asleep by now. I made myself a reminder to text her in the morning. I took one last glance at that picture of us at the lake, now my phone background, before turning the lights off and falling asleep.

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