(1) Perfect life

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I woke up from my bed and check my phone. 15 texts from Sam and 12 texts from Syd. Awesome. I get off my bed and get ready to school. I put on a grey loose shirt, black short jeans and a white sneakers.

I head downstairs and heard two guys laughing which is Mike and Isaac. Isaac is my brother's best friend. He's a smarty pants, lacrosse boy, my partner to make my brother pissed. That's all he is to me.

Btw hey, it's Violet Black. I'm in my senior year now. So is my brother. We're like twins but he came out first so he's older than me. Anyway, me and my brother are quite the famous ones in our school. I'm the queen to all the girls. I don't really know why all the girls would call me their queen.

I hate it to be honest cuz the last thing I want to be is a queen or president. I have a best friend named Syd and a boyfriend named Sam. He and I have been together for 3 years. My parents are a billionaire in this whole town.

One and only actually. But my parents are always out to give out their money to charities and stuff. Well, they're always out.

I head to the kitchen and laugh sarcastically while grabbing an apple to bite it but Isaac took it and bite it first. I smack his chest and he choked on the apple. My brother and I laugh so hard as he choked on the apple.

He clear his throat and look at me. "Good morning to you too." I smile at him. "I'm very generous I know. Vote me for the upcoming prom queen. Thanks! Bye." I head to my car and drive it to school.

As I arrived,I get our from the car and grab my stuff. Suddenly, someone grip my waist and pull me into a hug. I startled and thank God it's Sam. "Hi." He smile and kiss me. I kiss him back slowly.

I break the kiss and look at him. "Why did you stop?" I smack his chest and walk away from his embrace. He walk with me while gripping my waist tightly. I head to my locker and saw Syd. She looked worried af.

"Hey girl, what's up?" I comment. She look at me and smile at me. "Nothing much. Just worried that you weren't coming. Let's head to class." I nod and Sam kiss my cheek. "I need to go. I'll see ya at lunch. Bye,love you." He kiss me and walk away.

"God, he's so kissy. So annoying." Syd laugh but I can tell there's something with her. "What's up with you?" She look at me and shake her head. Let's go." I nodded and walk with her.

~in class~
I look around and saw Isaac and my brother laughing at some nerd in my class. Isaac look at me and smile. I return the gesture and my brother throw a paper at me. I roll my eyes and pick it up.

'are you into Isaac?' I look at him and raise my middle finger then look in front. I look at Syd and she got an uneasy face on her. I hit her arm and shook my head as 'what's wrong?'.

She smile at me and shake her head. I continue to write down my notes. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It's a text from Sam.

Sam:What the hell is Maths?

Me: Pain.

Sam: True. I miss you soooo bad. Can we just skip?

Me: My parents are gonna kill me if they found out I'm skipping classes again.

Sam: Damn. Tough love. I'll see you after class. Love you.

Me: Bye.

I skipped my classes because of him lol. But I barely care. Tests are coming and finales is three months away. I'm dead. My grades are bad recently. Fml.

Sorry if this chapter sucks but it'll get better. Thx for reading! Pls continue reading ❤❤

Song: Fancy by Iggy Azalea and Charli XCX

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