Trying to fight back Part 2

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Doppelgänger Percy's POV
I noticed a fair knight touch the dark knight's sword.
He dropped my grandfather's sword to the ground with a clang.
I looked at my dear friend, who weakly looked at me.
"We need to summon our friends" I said, my voice sounding horse "Before the dark knight wakes up"
"I can use the wind spirts" Jason asked.
"Even better" I said "I can create a telecast and then teleport them"
"That is very dangerous magic" Jason said.
"What do we have sir Jason?" I asked as I closed my eyes.
I focused on my powers and I snapped my eyes open to reveal a ocean blue cloud with my friends, a hooded lady and Terra to be seen outside the cave of immortality.
"Good friends" I said, making them snap their heads to me.
"Perseus!" Annabeth, my love exclaimed.
"My lady" I said "I will send you to where we are; I think unfortunately the chosen one has began his fall into darkness"
"He touched the sword of Order did he?" The cloaked lady asked.
I nodded.
"Come quickly" I said as I noticed the man started to moan.
"I will send us; do not threat" the cloaked lady said as I wiped the message.

"I could reach the sword" Jason said, moving his feet.
His foot just touched it.
I saw his face whince in pain.
"It would hurt, only a descendant of Arthur or the chosen one can hold it" I said as I grabbed the sword.
I sliced the chains and spirited to the man.
"Good Sir, you need to fight" I said.
I heard Piper's squeal.
I turned to face my friends.
"The way to cure the dark knight is a kiss from true love" the cloaked lady said as the dark knight's armour faded to reveal a familiar face.
Jason gasped.
"Is that...myself?" Jason asked.
"It is a doppelgänger" Annabeth said "Such as the chosen one is a doppelgänger of king Perseus"
I noticed the man falling onto his knees.
"You need to fight for your friends, for the sake of the kingdom!" Terra exclaimed.
"The way to-"
" true love does that mean me? Since I am in a relationship with Sir Jason then that means his his world-"
The cloaked lady nodded.
Piper looked at Sir Jason and Sir Jason nodded with approval.
Piper went to the doppelgänger Jason and kissed him on the lips.
Also immediately after she pulled away, the Jason gasped for a breath and awoke.
He looked around confused.
"Explain later, right now Percy is about to be controlled by what you were" the Cloaked lady said, making the Jason jump up, determined.

Percy's POV (before the others came; when King Perseus and Sir Jason contacted the others)

I looked around and noticed the cold, darkness around me, wanting me to join it.
"Yes, join me"
I looked next to me to notice a pale women in her mid 30's.
She has a long, long wizard sleeved black dress on with a high collar.
Her black hair is in a high bun and her face had dark make-up on; black eyeshadow, purple eyeliner and black lipstick.
Her ruby red eyes looking right into my soul.
"I assume your Order, Chaos' sister" I said.
"You've been in this realm for what? 3 days and you are starting to act like them!" She joked "Yes, I am the eldest from the children of the void"
"Then why are you here?" I asked.
"You touched my sword, therefore you will be under my control" she said.
"Never" I said, stepping away from her "I can't hurt my friends!"
She chuckled, her chuckle sounding like ice.
"You knew the consequences but you touched it...why?" She asked.
"I wanted to save my friend from you!" I explained.
"Oh really? So you didn't feel the hunger for power?" She said "The need for more? Chaos can't offer the whole universe but I can...if you join me"
"Never" I said making me walk backwards into the reach of the darkness.
I felt a headache come along, trying to gain control over me.
I moaned.
"No" I said, closing my eyes.
"You cannot escape your faith Perseus Jackson" I heard her say, her breath going down my neck.
"It's Chaos Perseus" I snapped, snapping my eyes open.
She chuckled.
"It's already started" she said "Your eyes are glowing red,I will win and take over the uni-"
"Good Sir, you need to fight" I heard my doppelgänger yell through the noise.
"Why fight?" She asked.

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