Planet 1: Main planet or Alba Animarum

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Percy's POV

Luke, Jason and I walked out the train to see purple and black man-made buildings everywhere.
It looked like a theme park.
Tall hotels.
Shops with food and accessories.
Even some rides in the distance.
"Woah" Jason exclaimed.
He stopped.
" are we even breathing?" Jason asked.
"These people got microchipped...we however, have our Chaos cloaks" Luke explained.
I looked at him with confusion.
"I didn't put my-"
A bright light appeared and all of us were in our uniform.
Myself being back in my knight armour with a cloak.
"Nice" Jason said, looking at his identical suit to Luke's and mine.
Luke nodded and pointed to planet area.

"You can tell this place is the base" Luke said.
I nodded.
"And that building at the back must be where Nyx would be" Jason said, pointing at the large oval shaping large building in the background, a large window shaped like strapless sleeping eye mask in the middle, so however was in there would see everything.
I nodded.
"We cant go there straight away, we need to help to wisps first" I said as my buddy appeared again "Do you know where your leaders are?"
The wisp nodded.
'They were captured and taken to here' the white wisp said, 'I can lead you to them'
"Great, let's go without drawing attention to us" I said "We don't want to get caught"
Luke and Jason both nodded as we started to walk away from the station.

I noticed happy human families having fun with Carnaval type games and shopping, making me slightly miss home.
I wonder how the rest of the seven is.
I wonder how Annabeth is.
"Percy? Come on man!"
I snapped out of my thoughts as Jason called my name, making me run to catch up to them.

~~2 hours later~~

We have been following my little buddy, Alpha, for 2 hours.
We left the rides and people 1 hour back and swerving through buildings which look dirty and dark.
"Are we nearly there-"
'We are here' Alpha said, cutting me off.
When we heard voices, Jason, Luke and I went onto the dark side of the alleyway on the building next to us on the right and noticed two guards went past.
They looked like demigods.
"It's boring here man, why are we here?" The one on the left asked as he walked past.
"We're here to serve Nyx and her bidding" the right one, who was female snapped "She thinks the Chaos warriors will come so we need to be prepared and look after these wisps....and don't call me 'man'!"
When they walked away, I noticed the 10 foot large cage full of wisps in a largely lit clearing.
"There must be thousands of wisps in there" I whispered "What are they doing to them?"
'Draining their power' Alpha said sadly 'To run the park...because we declined with telling them where the jewels were'
I looked at him wide eyed.
"What?" Jason asked next to me.
"They're getting tortured for not telling Nyx where the jewels are...she's stucking all the energy out of them to create power for the parks" I explained.
"That is cruel" Luke said, moving onto the right side of the alleyway which is a little lighter on that side.

'There is many more around this planet especially...all of the white wisps have either been captured or the lucky few who flee to near planets' Alpha said as I noticed the Wisp's cries.
I groaned as they started to get louder and louder.
"Percy?" Luke whispered sharply "I have no idea what that wisp told you but you're getting a little loud"
'Help me!'
'Momma, where are you?'
'My sweet child, where is my child?'
'These pesky humans!'
'I...I'm sorry'
Screams and more screams echo in my mind.
I notice Luke on the other side
I closed my eyes and sunk to the ground slowly, my back against the wall.
"Percy?" Jason asked.
"They're so loud" I muttered "The screams of pain"
"Oh, because he can understand them...he could probably here their-"
"Screams" Luke finished, cutting off Jason "Percy, try to block them out"
'I'm afraid it won't be as simple as that' Alpha said 'You're under powerful magic, even I don't understand'
"What do you mean you don't understand?" I snapped quietly "Haven't you done this before?"
'I have not done it to a human before, I have to aliens but that was a while ago' Alpha said.
I groaned loudly.
"Did you hear that?" One of the guards said, making me snap my eyes open and freeze.
"Hear what?"
"That noise...I think it was a groan?"
"I think the space food is getting to you; there was no noise"
"But I swear-"
"Stop complaining and start helping me!"
I noticed they were on the other side of the clearing.
I sat up, trying to ignore the screams.
"What are we going to do?" I asked.
"I could do a Chaos power but it will drain me massively" Luke whispered.
"Like what?" Jason asked.
"Go invisible" Luke suggested.
"No, they would just capture them again. They are obviously demigods so they have powers" I said "I could stop time for a while"
"That could work; stop time and release them and make time for them to leave" Luke said "But it is very exhausting...are you sure? You are new to this so you might pass out"
I nodded.
"I can do it, just tell me when" I said.
"Percy" Jason warned.
"I will be okay" I snapped, "Just signal me"

I closed my eyes and imagined everybody stopping apart from me, Jason, Luke, Alpha and the captured wisps.
"Good job Percy now hold on" Luke said.
I opened my eyes and noticed them rushing to the cage.
'Stay away!'
'They gonna kill us!'
I moved from my hiding spot, concentrating as I walked slowly to the others who opened the lock.
The wisps immediately surrounded us with a angry glare.
'You will not kill us!' An Pink wisp asked.
"We're not here to kill you, we're here to safe you" I said "We're Chaos warriors and here to protect the Jewel from getting into the wrong hands!"
"Percy, what are you-"
'How can we believe you?' The Pink wisp asked, coming right up to me 'And how can you understand us?'
'It's because of me, Beta' Alpha said 'Stay calm; this man is blessed and stopped time with help of his friends and is letting you free'
I noticed they bowed to Alpha.
'Of course, I would like the leaders to stay and help us on the journey as I think our blessed one needs some help along the way' Alpha said.
'Leave subjects and go to your home planet, we will make sure we will have our freedom' The Indigo one said, making the wisps cheer and fly off.

"Percy, are you okay?" Jason asked as Luke and him finally turned to me.
"Take me somewhere; some type of transport to get us to a planet, I need these guys to be in the transport with us alone before I can return it back to normal"
"Just do it!" I snapped as my vision went blurry "I need to not pass out or time stay frozen until I wake up again!"
"Okay, let's go!" Luke said, grabbing me on my left while Jason grabbed me from my right.
They carried me through the buildings with the wisps following us.
"They're the leaders?" Luke asked.
I nodded, sweat dripping down my face.
"It hurts" I whispered "I want to slee-"
"Stay away Percy, we're almost there" Luke said.
"Almost where?" Jason asked.
"I saw a Space Bus stop which can take you to a planet" Luke said, "We're almost there"

I zoned in and out a lot.
One second I was in the alleyways with the boys and the next we were hopping onto the bus with the wisps.
I went onto the bus and lent against the chairs.
"You okay?" I heard Jason say.
I nodded.
I looked around and noticed them smiling gratefully at me.
'Thank you young human' The Pink one said 'We will be forever grateful for your deed on Alba Animarum"
White Souls in Latin, I thought.
I bowed my head.
"You're welcome" I said as I released the time spell.
Everything started to move all around us, including the driver.
"Can you take us to..." I heard Luke ask.
His voice sounds like its underwater.
My head is spinning fast.
'Young Percy?' I heard Alpha say.
I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile as I felt myself blacked out from exhaustion, falling onto the ground.

Third POV-At cage

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" The navy-purple dressed women said, her eyes narrowed at the whimpering 2 guards.
"I don't know; one second they were there and the next they were gone!" The female exclaimed  exclaimed.
"So they just disappeared?" Nyx asked cruelly "They CANT JUST DISAPPEAR!"
"There is magic in the air miss" the other man said.
"Parent?" Nyx asked.
"Hecate" the man said "It seems...old"
Nyx yelled with frustration.
"CHAOS WARRIORS!" Nyx exclaimed "They must have found out! I want every guard on every planet to be on high alert and kill them on sight"
"Yes madame!" Both guards  yelled and sprinted off to tell other guards.
"Commander 1, stay behind" Nyx said, making the female stop in her tracks.
Nyx sighed as she walked towards her.
"These Chaos Warriors better not stuff up my plans!" Nyx exclaimed "You spy on them, pretend to be friends with them but make sure they come to me"
The female bowed.
"Of course lady Nyx, I will not let you down"

Percy, knight of Chaos (ON HOLD, FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now