Why not. Prepare for some quality sinsss.

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Pole burst into Chub's room, "PaUl-" Chub looked up, "PoLe-" Pole picked Chub up, "ImMa TiCkLe YoUr PiCkLe." Chub gasped, "PoLe- NoO-" Pole and Chub frickle-frackled. Chub got pregnant from Pole's SeXiNeSs. Chub gasped, "PoLe! YoU fOrGoT a CoNuNdRuM-"
Pole looked down, "WeLl ShIt." Pole flipped tables and Chub cried, "ImMa LoSe My SpAgHeT-" Pole flipped a table into a wall, "No OnE lOsEs ThEiR sPaGhEt." Chub gasped, "ArE yOu In LoVe WiTh a TaBlE-" Pole frickle-frackled the table as well, "NoO- wHaT aRe YoU tAlKiNg AbOuT?" The table got pregnant as well. Chub grabbed a suitcase, "ByE tHeN pOlE-"

//102 words of this shit. God help my fallen soUL.

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