The Other Side

9 2 0

On the other side

You have golden cats,

And jade green pillars of light.

You have expensive furniture,

And rare-to-be-found silverware.

You have the well built house,

And the rich people in it.

On my side

I have flower pots with hydrangeas

And a half-falling apart porch roof.

I have passed down antiques,

And common plates & bowls.

I have the built since the 80's home,

With me in it.

In the middle

You have the freshly tarred road,

Non-chipping yellow paint.

The cars passing by,

And the entryway to the

Other side.

And the entryway to

My side.

So different yet connected by

A red string of hope,



A red string;

That leads to the other side.

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