chapter 10

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It took a running leap unto the hood of the car and punched the windshield. The windshield seemed to almost like blow up, if I had to describe it. I turned my head to avoid getting glass shards in my eyes, even though they scratched at the side of my face. The thing reached in and grabbed me by the front of the shirt, throwing me out of what used to be the windshield. I literally flew into the air and slammed hard against a tree, falling limply and roughly to the ground.

I landed in a heap, covering my face with my arms. I could hear it walking towards me from across the street. Where are you, Rosalie? I thought through the immense pain my back was causing. I suddenly heard a high yelp; I opened my eyes to see what was happening.

Rosalie had grabbed this wolf man by the hair and yanked him back roughly. She took his head and bashed it into the pavement. It yelped before reaching up and grabbing her face, pushing her back roughly. It got up with the left side of it's facing looking bruised, cut up, and really red. It was pissed now.

It caught my eye and grabbed me by the hair, throwing me. I landed on the hood of the convertible. My head and back were absolutely pounding and throbbing now. A small groan escaped my lips. I looked over at the road to see the wolf man pick up Rosalie and throw her, with incredible strength, speed, and precision, deep into the forest. It locked eyes on with me. It slowly started to saunter towards me. Suddenly headlights flew around the corner.

Emmett's Jeep came out of nowhere and slammed head on into the wolf man. It was caught on the front of the Jeep, snarling ferociously. Emmett turned abruptly off of the road and drove straight into a large tree. Ouch! Smoke started coming out of the front of the Jeep.

Edward came out of the passenger's side of the Jeep and ran to me. Seeing him made me feel a thousand times better. He scooped me up in his arms and whispered to me soothingly. I saw Emmett go into the woods to look for Rosalie out of the corner of my eye. I saw no more, because for what felt like the billionth time, I blacked out.

When I woke up I was in the Cullen's basement. Rosalie had obviously been found and was all right, just very pissed. She and the rest of the Cullens were sitting around the couch that I was lying on, and by the looks on their faces I could see that she already told them everything.

"How long have I been out for?" I asked. All their eyes flickered to my face in surprise; they had not seen me wake up.

"For a day. Charlie thinks you just had a sleepover with Alice. How are you feeling?" Edward asked in concern.

"I'm fine," I lied. No need to mention my throbbing headache. "What did you do with the body?"

All their faces seemed to turn whiter as I watched. "He got away," Edward said in defeat. "Somehow, he got away."

"Are they" my voice faltered, "indestructible?" I finished lamely.

"No, everything has a weakness. We just don't know what theirs is yet," Emmett said.

I had about a billion more questions, but I couldn't ask any of them. I had just seen the sorrow look in all of their eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, getting panicky.

"Bella…" Carlisle started, but trailed off. "You're going to have to leave town for a little bit."

WHAT! I screamed internally. There was no way I would leave at a time like this, I just couldn't. Besides, what would Charlie think?

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