Mei Aihara

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Yuzu sat in her desk as she talked (and gossiped) with her friends. Two of her friends mentioned something about a new student.

"I hope it's a cute boy! Maybe he and I could date!" One friend said.

"I heard that it was a girl." Another replied.

"Awwww, I was hoping I could finally get a boyfriend."

"What do you think, Yuzu?"

"I really don't know. If it's a girl, I wonder what she'll be like. If it's a boy, I don't really care. I already have my boyfriend." Lie. Yuzu thought. I've never had a boyfriend. I can't even get a guy to like me.

"How are you and your boyfriend by the way?"

"Wasn't his name like Yuki Sohma or something?"

"Yuki and I are great." Lie. Yuzu sighed. I can't believe I just used the name of a cute anime guy I like. I mean, I would like it if he was my boyfriend...if he was even real... Only one person knew the truth about her boyfriend. It was her best friend Harumi Tanaguchi. When Yuzu had been the new girl, Harumi took her under her wing and soon the two became best friends. Harumi was in a different class thought. Such a shame.


Class started and it turned out the rumours were true. Yuzu was now looking at her new classmate. Apparently it had been a girl. A girl by the name of Mei Aihara. She was very beautiful with straight black hair and gorgeous purple eyes. Her outfit is so plain though. Yuzu thought. She could put in a little effort.

"Hello, my name is Mei Aihara." Mei's voice was calm and serious. It wasn't loud, but it also wasn't quiet. It was projected so everyone in the class could hear her. "I am excited to be here and hope that we will get along."

She sounds like a teacher. Yuzu thought with an eye roll as she played with her hair and twirled it around her pencil.

After Mei finished introducing herself, she went to take a seat. Yuzu glanced at Mei. To Yuzu, Mei seemed like such a serious girl. She won't be any fun. Yuzu thought. Mei looked over at Yuzu, noticing she was staring at her. Yuzu quickly looked away. As long as I don't have to talk to her then there won't be any problems.

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